Chapter 8: Great Change

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Chapter 8: Great Change

"Never let anyone tell you that something is impossible." - Monty Oum

(Ruby's Room)

The sun was shining, birds were chirping and Ruby Rose, the 15 year old Mechanic/Huntress-in-training was sleeping soundly in her bed.

The clock on the nightstand next to her displayed 7:59am, and as it finally switched to 8 did the clock start beeping.

As the hand went and tried to turn off the alarm, missing a few times, with a beep the alarm was shut off and she sat up from her bed.

Ruby at the moment was wearing her custom made Rose theme pajamas with Grimm like sleep mask over her eyes. Ruby was wondering if it's worth getting out of bed today.

Especially since last night was very tiring, after walking all over town she couldn't quite find her sister, and when she did find her a guy was flown out of the building she was in.

"And it was super late!" Thinks Ruby. Thankfully using Bumblebee, (Yang's Motorcycle) they were able to get to the docks in record time finding a ship setting sail soon that would take them to Patch.

When the two finally got home expecting an angry dad that surprisingly wasn't the case because he was nowhere to be seen.

When they did find him he was in his room asleep. While it wasn't unusual per say, it was off considering how much Taiyang was a worry wart when his daughters were involved.

Ruby tired with a very obvious bed head yawned and stretched her arms out above her head. Taking off her sleep mask he blinked a few times and saw all that was in front of here.

"Oh Surveyor...Good Morning..." said Ruby, after a few seconds with her eyes closed did she realize just what exactly she said.

Rubbing her eyes Ruby's vision fully clear and in front of her was exactly who she thought was there, Surveyor the Servitor floating all the while he stared at her.

Long story short Ruby screamed.

After successfully scaring both her sister and dad from their slumber the two rushed into Ruby's Room, breaking down the door in the process.

While Yang was ready in her pajamas, Ember Celica on her wrists at the ready while Taiyang just had his regular fists.

What they saw was something they weren't entirely used to, for one they saw Ruby bouncing around Surveyor goggles on scanning the Servitor as much as she could.

And the second being Surveyor was hovering about a few feet off the ground in Ruby's room of all places, Yang was more confused about that fact more if anything else.

"Hey!!" Taiyang yells out suddenly, "What do you think you're doing here?" He asked the Eliksni machine with some anger in his voice.

"Don't you know anything about privacy?! How did you even get in here?!" Of course the Servitor replied in his own special way through metallic groans but Ruby was quick to help out.

"Oh! Surveyor said "Protect Family, Ruby Family, on Guard." On Guard?" Ruby asked.

"Well Guard Duty or not! You Guard outside!" Taiyang pointed towards the window, tapping his foot on the ground.

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