Ch. 31: Improvement

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Chapter 31: Improvement

"It may happen that small differences in the initial conditions produce very great ones in the final phenomena." - Henri Poincare

As Blake sat at the Cafeteria Table she stared at her notebook which held not only drawings but also notes about said drawings. The symbol of the White Fang, a Rose, and finally the silhouette of a Man who held a Katana on his back.

"Watcha doin'?" Yang suddenly said, breaking Blake out of her concentration, "Nothing" she said quickly closing her notebook. "Just...going over notes from last semester."

Yang caught a piece of fruit thrown at her with her mouth and yet continued to speak, "Lame!" The blonde said with a mouth full of food.

Nora giggles as she flings another piece of fruit at Yang again, which she catches and gives a thumbs up after. 

"So! How's the food?" Ruby says as she walks up to the table with her own notebook, goggles on her forehead.

"Nothing special, although me and Nora have this game to see if I can catch all the food on her plate that she throws." Yang catches a cherry in her mouth flung by Nora.

"So what do you got there?"

"Just notes and plans on how to improve the Fallen camp, with The Fallen Grimm, regular Grimm, and potential Enemy Alien Factions I have to start somewhere."

"With all these new Aliens popping up, I guess we should call them "Extra-terrestrials"! Eh? Guys? Am I right?" Yang joked as everyone around her rolled their eyes.

Suddenly an Apple got thrown at her head by Nora who was booing, Yang threw it back at the girl in response.

"Look, it's been a nice two weeks but with more exchange students arriving, the tournament at the end of the year our second semester is going to be even busier, classes start back tomorrow. Which! Is why I! Decided to come up with a new plan."

Unraveling her notebook she showed all what exactly her plan was. "The Rose House Relocation Plan!". "I don't know whether to be proud or scared for what you have in store for us..." Weiss said as Yang threw a Green Apple back at Nora which missed and hit another.

"I-I don't know-" But before Blake could finish her sentence Ruby had appeared right behind her, "But you're the most important part of my plan Blake!"

"Look, I know you wanna do something fun but this needs to be-" "I got it!" Nora yelled out suddenly, stopping Ruby from finished her sentence with a pie to the face.

Looking back at the culprit the rest of RWBY could see a bashful Nora pointing at Ren, who had his hand covering his face in shame while Pyrrha and Jaune held surprised looks.

Ruby wiped off what she could of the pie off of her eyes, moved her goggles onto them and made a declaration. "War..."

"Heh, man that's harsh." A blue haired Mistral student said while walking next to his partner.

"I know, we were fighting side by side. She was super fast and I threw a banana at the guy, which sounds gross, but it was awesome." Sun said.

"Nice~" he replied back.

"Right? And the best part is, she's a Faunus. But that's a secret, okay?" Sun quickly said forgetting that it was a secret.

"Got it."

"And not a, "I'm gonna go tell Scarlet the second Sun turns his back secret", I'm talking secret secret."

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