~ Chapter 18 ~

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Asami POV

"Yeah, the boys had a water fight and I learned how to make water balloons!" I was sitting by the kitchen reading and talking to Fuyumi as she prepared lunch.

"Really? How was the food?"

"We ate lots of watermelons and pineapples and sensei made this fruit kabobs, and I want to meet kaa-san... And-"

"What!? What did you say?" I looked up from my book unsure of what to make of Fuyumi's tone. Is she happy or...?

"I want to meet kaa-san..." Fuyumi stared at me silently for some moments before she teared up.

"Really? Do you really...?" I nodded.

"Oh she's going to be so happy to finally see you! But wait..." the smile fell from her face "What if she's not ready? What if she's still not ready to see you? I mean I've shown her pictures but seeing you in person...and you. Are you really ready to see her? Will you really be able to look at her right now?"

"Fuyu-nee." I called out stopping her pacing and ranting "I want to meet her."

"Hai..I guess....um, I guess you're coming with me to visit Kaa-san today." She laughed nervously while I nodded

"I guess so..."

"Okay um... go, go get dressed we leave in, um, we're leaving in an hour so..." I nodded running to my room to place on something suitable.


I was now standing outside my okaa's hospital room. Tou-san rejected the idea but I wouldn't let him. I begged and told him I'd rat him out to sensei if he didn't let me go see her.

Now here I am, too nervous to go in. What if she doesn't want to see me? What if she hates me?! What if I bring up an unwanted-

"Do you want me to go in first?" Fuyumi stopped the onslaught of thoughts.  I nodded. "Okay..." she bent down fixing my dress and kissing my head.

"I'm nervous..."

"That's okay. But I promise you, okaa-san misses you a lot." She kissed my head standing up and entering the room "Okaa-san!"

"Fuyumi..." my eyes widened at how soft the sound of Okaa-san's voice was.

"I've brought someone to see you."

"Oh..?" Fuyumi poked her head out the door motioning for me to come in.

I moved to enter poking my own head inside the room to see. What I saw first was the blinding sunlight from the window. But next to it sitting on a bed with utter shock and staring at me with her mouth slightly parted was a woman with long white hair and grey eyes. Both of which matched Shoto's right side.

"You're..." she stood from her bed taking a step towards me before she stopped.

Since she took the first step, I took the second. I nervously played with my hands as I stepped fully into the room looking from the beautiful woman before me to her bed, then back to Fuyumi who seemed excited.

"Asami..." she breathed out my name with so many emotions I didn't know which one to comprehend. But I knew mine and I was happy.

"Okaa-san..." I finally looked up at her to see her looking at me assessing me, seeing me. I smiled running to her and engulfing her waist in a hug. "Hi..." I gave her my closed eyed smile looking up.

Instead of a reply I got her sobs. Now I know where Fuyumi got it from. She sobbed kneeling down to be eye level with me and stroking my pink hair. She sobbed with a smile on her face and all I felt in this room was loved.

"Hi!" She laughed through her sobbing holding my cheeks "Look how big you've gotten. Fuyumi showed me but...you're so much more beautiful in person." I smiled leaning into her touch.

Like Fuyumi and Natsuo her hands were cold but to me they brought warmth, and a sense of safety I haven't felt with a parent since I got taken from her. Fuyumi really did have giant shoes to fill and though she's great at it, she's my sister not mother and I now know why she kept reminding me I had one.

"Now I can go tell my friends that my okaa is the prettiest okaa of all." I grinned reaching up my own hand and wiping away her tears. Okaa gasped eyes widening

"Your skin is so hot! Do you have a fever?" She held onto my hand and as her temperature dropped I knew she activate her quirk to cool me off.

"Hehe. No. My body is just weird." I made a face causing both her and Fuyumi to laugh.

"Okaa-san, her body it's, it's like his own, but with ice." Okaa gasped stopping her quirk instantly "And she has both quirks too." Terror entered her eyes.

"I know that look. Nasu-nii gives me that same look when he sees me using my quirk." It was my turn to cup okaa-san's face "I know what he did. And I know what you did, and I know you must be saying thousand of apologies in your head right now. But I love my quirk! It's so cool! My body only adapted to the fire more because it came when I was sick with a high fever, so fire came first."

"But I gave you such a weak body..." I shook my head.

"No, you didn't. I don't hate my quirk for how my body reacts to it, all of our Todoroki gene are weird. But guess what, it makes me the best hugger ever!" This made okaa laugh

"Really? How so?"

"Everyone in the house has an ice quirk, so when they hug my warm body, I'm like a blanket! And that means I get tight hugs!" Okaa-San smiled softly at that.

"What...what about, um...your aniki? What about Shoto...?" I saw the guilt in her eyes, the regret and the pain. She must still be blaming herself. And now I also know where Shoto and Natsuo got it from.

Looks like none of us really got a trait from tou-san. Oh he's going to be so upset when he realized none of his kids have any traits from him beside a bit of our looks and hair color. I hummed seeing how to put okaa at ease.

"Sho-niisan refuses to use his left side, unless it's to thaw the ice we create in the back, or if my flames go out of control. He detests his fire side."

"No...that's not what I wanted...what have I done...?" I patted okaa on her head.

"What you did was frightening, especially to Sho-niisan but he never once blamed you for it. He blames himself, he hates that he couldn't protect you better. He absolutely hates that you're here right now too." Okaa-san gaped not saying a word "I promise you, one day he'll walk through this door just like I did. And you'll see that I'm right. Nii-san is just scared to visit right now but when he does he'll show that he loves you just as much as he did back then." I smiled still rubbing okaa head.

"When did my baby get so smart?" She smiled sniffling and wiping her tears.

"I had Fuyu-nee teach me! She's awesome." Fuyumi laughed.

"More like you understand things faster than you should."

"That's a compliment, right?" Okaa laughed this time.

"I'm pretty sure it is." I hummed shrugging despite Fuyumi laughing behind me

"So okaa, guess what?"


"I have no idea what kind of flowers you like, or your favorite anything! So you have a lot to tell me!" Okaa seemed a bit surprised by my words before she sighed.

"I suppose I do...but that goes for you as well. I want to know everything."

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