~Chapter 15~

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Shoto; 15
Asami;  8

Asami pov

"Sho-nii- eh? where are you going?" I stared at Shoto who was fully dressed and ready to leave the house.

"The recommendation exams." I hummed

"Oh, can I come?" He stopped


"To see some things, and reasons..." I swayed back and forth innocently.

Shoto smirked slightly knowing I was up to something. He motioned his head back

"Hurry and get dressed." He looked to the clock "You have six minutes to do so and l before that man realizes you're not training." I nodded running back to my room to change clothes.

I quickly swapped my training shirt for one of my giant red hoodies my leggings for black pants and I kept my sneakers on. I grabbed a hair band then bolted out the room, meeting Shoto by the car.

"Let's go!" I grinned as we got in.

"What's the reason you want to go to U.A for?"

"To see if the principal is really a mouse bear, and to ask for a pass!"

"A pass?"

"Mhm! A pass that let's me enter the school whenever I want!"

"Why would you need that?"

"So I can train my quirk, at least that's what I'll tell tou-san. If I have that pass on the day's school over early for my class I can come to U.A instead of go home and be trained by him. I mean I'll keep up training but I won't have to worry about getting in trouble when I stop when I'm at my limit."

"I see... that is a good reason. Then I shall request one for you as well." Shoto patted my head "Try not to let him find out, as long as you can."


We made it to U.A. around ten or so minutes later. I had to marvel at how big the school was, and grand looking too!

"Woah..." the sun was shining on the glass made the building look extra.

"Let's go." Shoto walked forward looking as uninterested as usual but I knew deep down, he was amazed too.

We entered the building and went down a few halls. Since I wasn't taking the exam I had to stay in the cafeteria while Shoto went into the room. Once I heard Present Mic's voice I knew this was my chance to find the principal. So that's what I did.

I went looking through all the class rooms using the numbers on the doors to guide me. I was by 2F when a voice rang out behind me.

"Kid, what are you doing here?" I spun looking around for the voice. But where..? "Look down." I did and a yellow sleeping bag was the first thing I noticed. In it was a man who looked like he hadn't slept since the beginning of time!


"I should be the one asking you that. What are you doing in here? I doubt you're here for the exam as a recommended student." He pulled a juice from the sleeping bag staring me in the eyes as he drank it

"I'm not a student. I'm only eight. But my nii-san is and I'm looking for the principal."


"I have a request." The man sighed closing his eyes before he stood and got out the sleeping bag.

"Follow me, I'll let that rat deal with you, I'm too tired for this." I smiled following the tired man.

I wonder... is he a hero? But I've never seen him before. Maybe underground? That'll be cool! I met an underground hero!

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