~ Chapter 2 ~

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Found out that Dabi birthday isn't the 8 it's the 18th. Eh, for that here's chapter 2, a day late but eh...


Third pov

"Get up. It's time to train." Enji had woken Shoto at five in the morning. Being used to it, he did as told getting up, only to pause.

Despite Enji being there glaring down at him- Shoto could care less. His attention was on his three month old baby sister that was in his father's arms. Enji was holding her upright and to his chest. Her back to him and his arm was across her stomach to hold her still. Shoto blinked when Enji held Asami out to him.

"Your training today is going to be different. It deals with reflex and how attentive you are to your surroundings." Slowly Shoto took Asami into his arms.

She cooed at him and once again she was playing with his face. The left side of his face. And once again he moved her hand away from his scar.

"Come." Enji ordered walking out his room. Shoto followed making sure to hold onto Asami the way Fuyumi told him to hold her, while also trying to be aware of his surroundings as she pulled at his shirt trying to grab his red hair.

Shoto stopped walking when it came time to head down the stairs. He shifted Asami in his arms cradling her instead. She squirmed and squirmed causing Shoto to frown.

"Stop moving Asami." Shoto spoke but she didn't. "Asami!" He snapped halfway down the steps stopping on one.

Asami in turn froze staring up at him. Tears gathered in her eyes before she full out began to cry. Shoto flinched at the volume.

"Hurry up Shoto!" Enji yelled from the bottom of the steps, a smirk on his face.

Shoto ignored him, his eyes had yet to leave his wailing sister. After staring at her for a few seconds completely clueless on what to do, he sighed shifting her again so she was facing up, and resting on his chest and stomach like she was before. He held her head rubbing her pink locks softly. Soon enough her wailing stopped to just sniffles and babbling.

"Gomen, I didn't mean to make you cry. But if you had kept squirming we'd have fallen down the stairs. I don't want you hurt." He spoke to her like she would understand him and hugged her a bit tighter being mindful not to squeeze too tight.

Now that Asami had stopped crying he could head down the rest of the stairs. Enji hummed noting that she had fallen asleep after her little tantrum.

"This will be your task until I say otherwise. A baby makes you have to be aware of your surroundings or you both get hurt. You, for not paying attention to your surroundings, her, for your lack of reflexs and being too slow. Hand her over and go finish off what you didn't yesterday."

Shoto gently passed Asami to Enji, glared, then went off to continue practice on his quirk. His ice quirk. In turn Enji rolled his eyes muttering about a rebellious phase.


Natsuo sat doing his homework when Enji entered the room and sat at the edge of the table. He didn't dare look up at his father, opting to ignore him and continue his homework while Fuyumi was in the kitchen.

After what felt like hours of excruciating silence, which was only five minutes, a squeal sounded causing Natsuo to jump at the sudden noise. He looked up, eyes wide to see Asami pulling Enji's hair and then squealing about it. Enji himself had his eyes closed, a long sigh escaping his lips as Asami assaulted his ears with more squealing and giggles.

What was so funny? He didn't know. Apparently Natsuo did though, seeing as he was laughing, or rather trying to hide his laugh. Hearing him loud and clear Enji smirked internally before he just handed Asami to Natsuo.

"Watch her." Then he stood and walked out the room.

Natsuo blinked looking down at his lap as his baby sister just stared up at him, first shoved in her mouth. Her other arm was in the air and she was making grabby hands at him as well as babbling.

Natsuo instantly abandoned his homework in favour of playing with Asami. They did so for half an hour before lunch was ready and Shoto entered the room. Fuyumi took Asami from Natsuo so he could eat, keeping her cradled in her arms as she feed her.

"You're really good at this, nee-chan." Natsuo nodded. Fuyumi smiled.

"I had practice!" She smiled looking at both boys. Natsuo pouted while Shoto remained with a blank face eating his rice.

As lunch went on the boys finished eating but Fuyumi had yet to eat since Asami lay, now asleep, in her arms.

"I can hold her." Fuyumi blinked looking up to meet the heterochromatic eyes of Shoto.

"Eh? No, no its okay. I got her."

"You need to eat. I can hold her." Not even waiting for a response Shoto got on his knees and gently took Asami from Fuyumi.

"Ah.. Arigatou, Shoto." He nodded back as Fuyumi began to eat.

She smiled watching Shoto who never took his eyes from Asami. There was a glint of happiness in his eyes, it was small but it was there and it made Fuyumi exceedingly happy to see it. She barely get to see him as is and when she did he didn't look at her with any emotion on his face.

He had withdrawn within himself, locking away his emotions and they've been apart for so long that she finds him a bit hard to read. What was obvious to her though was the fact that Shoto enjoyed the company of his siblings anytime, even if it was just for a brief moment.

Ever since Asami came home Enji had no choice but to enlist Fuyumi's help sometimes. The fact was, because of Asami, Enji was forcing them together so that all three could watch her while he worked. They were old enough to do so in his eyes anyway.

Fuyumi quickly finished eating cleaning up the dishes in the sink that she had left and washing her hands before going back to where she left Shoto, but he wasn't there.

Confused she entered another room to find Shoto laying on his side on a futon as he casually played with Asami. Fuyumi stayed where she was watching Shoto effortlessly amuse Asami which in turn also made him amused at her giggling.

Asami was playing with his hand and hair, which would tickle her nose causing her to make a face that amused Shoto, who would then poke her sides and cheek earning a laugh from her.

Fuyumi left them to it going to do her own homework and chores around the house while also checking up on Natsuo who she found knocked out cold with his homework halfway done around him. She woke him up then proceeded to watch him finish it. When she went back to Shoto and Asami she found both of them sleeping.

Shoto still lay on his side, his hand pressed flat on Asami's stomach keeping her in place, her tiny hands were holding tightly onto two of his fingers. Both of them were covered by the futon. Deciding not to wake them and trusting that they could stay in the room Fuyumi closed the door and left the two to sleep.


I sincerely hope this didn't turn out as bad as I thought. We need to build this beautiful thing called ~Shoto's feelings~ for him to be protective over Asami.

Especially for what I have planned. Ehehehee...

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