~ Chapter 26 ~

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Asami pov

As I predicted, the moment the students ran through the narrow door most of them got stuck. I watched amused at the faces most of them made. The temperature around the students dropped and ice coated all of their feet freezing them in place as Shoto slid through earning first place.

"Ohh! Shoto!!" I cheered him on even as his classmates got out of the ice easier.

No hesitation huh? That attack, got rid of all their hesitation. I hummed as a robot sent the short purple boy rolling. Compared to the villain attack. This is nothing.

" Here comes the first obstacles!! And so suddenly! The first barrier is, a robot inferno!! It's the villain bots that were worth 0 points in the entrance exam!!!"

People began to murmur and question how the students would get passed. I smirked as Shoto froze the first half of them clearing a path for him to run through. I titled my head.

"He froze them weird-ah." I pointed out just as the robots fell over crashing into one another and blocking the path for the others.

"Class 1-A's Todoroki has forged ahead and blocked the others in one fell swoop! That kid's harsh!" Present Mic sounded like he was having fun. I giggled

"He's not wrong. Hmm. But I'd have set fire to them, make the pathway blocked a little longer since no one down there is fireproof and I doubt the uniforms are fireproofed." I mused thinking of how I'd be there.

"He's playing..." tou-san growled from the place he now stood at. When did he get up?

"No, he's using what he has."

"He has fire too."

"What if he used fire and that set him back too?" Tou-san didn't answer. "Oh he made it to the next obstacle!" I noted on the screen.

"If the first barrier was such a cinch, then what of the second?! You fall and you're out! Don't like the idea? Maybe you can crawl! It's... THE FALLLL!!!" I snickered at how he dramatized the  obstacle.

I began thinking. It's tightrope used to get across. If you're flexible and well balanced you can get across. Tsuyu had an advantage since she can crawl across like a frog. Since I'm not her I can simply start by running across the rope with a bit of ice under to keep me stuck to it. Even if I lost my balance I won't have fallen off. I blinked when I noticed something. Or I could be like Bakugou and fly over the entire thing with flames.

I didn't think of that...

Then there's Iida-san who has perfect balance as he zoomed in a t-pose across the line. I laughed, he looks so serious doing it!

"Go Iida-san!" I giggled before looking back at Shoto to see Bakugou now behind him holding second place. "They're almost at the last obstacle!" I was excited, was Shoto going to win or Bakugou?

I love my aniki with all my heart and then some, but it is so exciting to see others keep up with him. Especially one of the people I chose as his potential friend. I was so focused on the two of them that when an explosion sounded I flinched. I looked to the source to see pink smoke. Following it into the air I and many others gaped as Midoriya was using a piece of the robot to sore through the air.

Seeing as he looked like he'd land in front of the two boys they instantly took off, disregarding the people behind them. And understanding that they could pass him Midoriya flipped using the two as stepping tools before he slammed the piece of metal on the floor hitting a few mines. This stunned Shoto and Bakugou and sent Midoriya ahead of them.

"And the winner is MIDORIYA IZUKU!!!" Mic announced.

"This is so much more interesting than I thought!" I giggled seeing Bakugou sitting on the floor steam rolling off the ash blonde in his rage of not earning first place.


"Hi everyone!" I waved finally finding the class 1-A stand where they'd sit if they didn't make it into the next round. All of them did but they were on a break right now.

"Oh? Hello Todoroki-chan!" Iida greeted me chopping the air as usual. I smiled.

"You can call me Asami Iida-san. Todoroki is Sho-niisan!" He paused.

"Ah. It seems I forgot. Forgive me, I shall do my best to remember this in the future!" I nodded.

"Good!" I saw the students getting ready to head back to the stage "Well. I came to wish you all good luck! Gambatte!"

I got thumbs up from Kaminari and Kirishima, the girls smiled and waved back, Sero gave me his signature grin, Bakugou glared and got dragged away by the others. Shoto gave a nod and walked off same with Tokoyami, Shoji, Koda and I got a nervous breakdown smile from Midoriya.

That's worrying... I smiled back at him with two thumbs up hoping it would have eased his worry but I doubt it. We don't know each other that well for me to ease his worried thoughts.


"I'm going to be honest and say I'd go on Midoriya's team just to battle against Sho-nii. It would be so much fun." I giggled to myself.

"Prehaps I should place you against him to see how well you'd fair." Tou-san spoke up.

"No. Sho-nii has more control over his quirk than I do. He'll win."

"But you have your flames."

"I do, he's still older has more control and ice is a fire's downfall." He huffed but said nothing after.

We watched the match shocked that most of class 1-A was losing. But when Bakugou screamed and sent his team after another blonde I realized what was happening.

"No way are they all accepting that!" I laughed seeing students of class 1-B getting chased by 1-A for stealing their headbands. It was quite obvious they were targeting class A.

I snorted as Bakugou landed on solid air just to punch through it and gain back two headbands. But was he finished? Nope. He sent his team blasting off towards the blonde's team. They appeared too fast that they weren't ready for the wild Bakugou that blasted them and stole every headband.

"He's so aggressive!" I giggled eyes going back to the two main teams just in time to see Shoto's team speed past Midoriya's own and snatch a headband off the. "Ohh!! He got it!!" I checked the time. "Three minutes and first place is yours Sho-nii!!" I gripped the railing bouncing.

"Quiet yourself. You look foolish."

"I do not. It's called showing support. You make an appearance. You make him acknowledge your appearance and then you cheer him on for encouragement. Want to try?" I smiled getting his usual glare.


"Ho~ tou-san... are you too embarrassed to cheer for your son?" I tsked shaking my head.

I ignored him after silently laughing at the him in the back of my mind. My attention quickly got caught by seeing Midoriya's team aiming for their headband again. Doing this from the left Shoto instinctively used his left side. Fire flared by his fingers and that shocked me.

He used his left side!

I think he realized that also because his eyes widened and he froze up. Just then Bakugou's team burst through the ice wall Shoto put up and he went blasting off his 'horse' right then and there the buzzer sounded ending the round. I blinked definitely in shock.

Shoto...Shoto almost used his fire!

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