~ Chapter 33~

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I was given help with some scenes from
AlexandriaSutherland since I'm ass at it. Thanks so much for your help!

Third pov

The man's heart was racing as he laughed. Out of everything, this...this is the most unexpected outcome he has ever encountered. He was expecting heroes, maybe even sidekicks! But kids!

Oh no, what he got was kids! And they were hella strong too!!

"Hahah...hahah. AHAHAHA!!!" his lip was bleeding so was his cheek. His side burned in pain from the hit he received from a pole and his eyes were shrouded in darkness "Is this why you stayed?! Wonderful! Yes! Put up a fight! Show me the kids my sister has trained!" He held up his arms as if about to welcome them in a hug.

They didn't take too kindly to that.

"Children please! You can't fight him and you mustn't!! Please!" Keiko begged her students only to shiver when they simply glanced at her.

The pain in their eyes, should not be there. The terror in their eyes, should not be there. The understanding, the knowledge and the toll of a loss, should not be there...but it was. And above it.

Was rage.

"You can't tell us what to do right now." Kazuo spoke too calm for this situation "Right now....right now I know if we do nothing we'll die before heroes make it. And... I was told to live." He stared down at his sensei green eyes dull and aglow at the same time.

"Us too." The others chimed.

"I could care less what you did in the past." Asami stepped forward her blank face the scariest of all the kids "It's the past and you've obviously changed. Focus on the present. The now. He took the lives of my friends." A hot breath left the pink haired girl and the rage made her sensei flinch back "He crushed them... So I'll scorch him." Instantly bright red flames zoomed down toward the man that narrowly missed being burned alive.

"Please, revenge is-"

"Don't finish that sentence." Ryouta gave a dead smile

"I don't want you all to be hurt..." Keiko whimpered.

"Look around. Too late." Akira sighed placing Kazuo on the ground.

"Sami! He dodges to the left then jumps!" She reacted to that information using both quirks she made sure to send the ice to the left where the man had jumped only for his foot to freeze to the ground and fire blasting towards him.

As expected he got himself out and jumped by he was instantly greeted with a metal pipe to his face by Kichirou which sent him back down to land on an ice spike.

"It's not over yet!" Kazuo kept his hand in a drawing position his eyes shut as he did his best to see what would happen.

"Children please!!"

"Sensei...do you see heroes anywhere?"  Akira asked.

"No why-?"

"Neither do we. If we let him go he's probably going to blow another school up. We aren't trying to kill him."

"We're trying to live. Because if he is given a chance to breathe... we might not be so lucky..." Nawakishi sighed.

"Asami has the most control over her quirk with Ryouta and Kaz following right behind her." Momoko sighed "Daiski has enough control to do what he does best. Reek havoc."

"Sensei, none of us can do anything...teachers are still trying to get students out and the students that are out are too scared to fight. If Asami hadn't stepped up we'd be dead already and you'd have to watch it all."

"Gomen...Gomen...this is all...all my fault!"

"It is." They gasped looking up to see the villain standing in front of them. "You should have listened to me. Maybe then I'd have speared them." All Keiko could do was look up at him and sob.

Both her arms were charred and broken she could barely lift a finger to wrap any part of his, her, or any of the students.

"You know...I met a really interesting guy...Papa told me to work with him." He paused then grinned "I got a new trick up my sleeve wanna test it out?"


"Aww why not?"

"Cause we already know it's super lame!" The smile left the villain and he spun only for Daiski to shoot out of the smoke and deliver a kick to his face that snapped his head to the left and making him stumble.

Before he could regain balance a blow to his stomach sent him flying. Did his own shadow just punch him? Yes. It did and the dark eyes of Ryouta's glared up at him delivering another solid punch with shadows to the man. He coughed.

"You brats!" Flames cleared some smoke from his sight ice speeding towards him.

He jumped to the side only for a knee and his nose to meet. His head flew back but something gripped his hair and pushed his head back up so he could be greeted with an ice covered fist to his face too. This time they let him fall.

Impossible. Who was this child? Why can she fight so well?! Is she really a child or a short teen?! Was he really losing!?

All this was all he could think as he felt himself freeze up and be encased in ice. His head dropped but he was glaring at the kids. How dare they make a fool of him!? How dare they put a stop to his plans!? How dare they!?

"No." Asami spoke up "How dare you come here and take the lives of so many? How dare you laugh at the loss of kids? How dare you take our lives as a joke?" She hissed almost literally with the amount of smoke seeping out her mouth and through her teeth. The only expression on her face was anger.

He didn't answer. He was pissed. Rage building up in him all fun and games done! He was gonna show them! He was gonna show them what happens when you think you can mess with him!

He screamed pealing his skin as he pulled his hands from the ice. He didn't hesitate to punch all three kids away from him and even before he hit he ground he faced his hands towards Keiko and the other students.

"Fine then! We don't want you back! Stay the fuck here!! No one is gonna miss any of you!!" He yelled with a horse voice though as he gave a crazed smile. "Parish or be my servant? Who the fuck cares I win!" A blast of light left his hands speeding towards them.


Three things happened right then. A wall of shadows appeared with ice behind fortifying it and getting rid of the shadows but redirecting the blast. Flames from two directions hit the villain. Both blue. Asami had, in her outburst to attack and protect upped the heat of her flames and turned it blue. However her flames weren't the only ones to reach him, as someone both encountered and enlarged Asami's flames changing it's direction for a mere second before it full on hit the villain.

Using the smoke as coverage Yori stood before Asami kneeling down with her passed out in his arms. He was late and that angered him since he was unable to deflect the blast. Looking down at Asami he sighed kissing her forehead as the last of the blast that he deflected had hit Kazuo, not that he knew that. Their skin were equally hot and before he had time to worry about it red hot flames also hit the villain through the smoke.

He cursed. Setting Asami down and hiding behind the rubble. The man was out cold third degree burns on him from both the attacks. Endeavor appeared, glaring down at him before looking to where the light had hit as the dust settled his eyes widened at the sight of the passed out kids behind the ice having just barely missed the coat of the person who passed behind them. They were safe but it was the three before them that really had his attention.

It was obvious...the damage had been done.

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