{ Special• AU} My Aneki/ Imotou

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Notes! This is an AU as stated.

Touya is alive! Asami is the twin to Natsuo.

⚠️⚠️ MANGA SPOILERS AHEAD! NOT PLENTLY BUT ENOUGH!! Okay maybe plenty. Depends honestly. ⚠️⚠️



Third pov

He blinked face blank. Two others? His father made more children. And one was having a staring contest with him.

"Do you want to hold her?" Rei asked seeing her five years old and eldest son staring at his new baby sister.

"Mm...I'll drop her."

"You won't..." Rei picked up her daughter cooing softly. "You aniki wishes to meet you, Asami-chan.  Be a good girl and don't fuss okay?" Rei kept cooing and Touya stared blankly.

That blank stare remained as he now held onto Asami. She stared blankly back at him until she blinked then burst into laughter. She alone knew what was funny and yet...this made him smile.

"I win." Touya grinned earning louder laughter from Asami. He shifted sitting on his butt with his knees proped so he could be face to face with her. "You're smaller than Natsu." He noted.

Asami shoved one fist into her mouth as the other reached up and gripped his identical red hair.

"Oh...our hair match!" She gurgle as if agreeing. "But our eyes don't. I think you got Obaa-san's eyes. On kaa-san's side anyway. Maybe that's why your eyes are like that..." Touya kept talking to Asami acting like she responded. To him.

Rei smiled happily as this meant that one baby was occupied and the other was currently sleep so. Peace....


"Ahh!!" The screaming and giggling of the twins sounded through the house. Asami was playing hide and catch, as Toya renamed it with Fuyumi.

Natsuo and Asami were holding hands as they waddled around the house trying to find and catch their aneki. Once they thought they spotted her they ran right for her only to run into Enji's back.

Natsuo backed up at the glare but Asami giggled happily running back and jumping onto her father's back.

"Ba ba ba ba!"

"I see...but if you spoke properly then I could give you what you want!" Enji replied. His own way of trying to get his children to speak. Still Asami tried again.

"Nn..baa...nnn..." she huffed her tiny baby face pouting. Then Toya came into the room and her entire focus was on him. "Aniii!!" She squealed arms up only to fall off Enjis back landing on her  butt.

"Huh?! Did I just hear Asami?" Toya blinked looking around until giggles erupted behind Enji, who was still frozen.

"Aniii!!" She cheered again when she saw him.

"I'm her first word...I'm her first words!" Toya cheered holding a silent victory over his father who merely scoffed then turned to Natsuo who squeaked and ran out the room.

"Okaaa!!" At this Toya burst out laughing.

"You do know Natsu's first words have already been said right? You're just hearing them for the first time." And he laughed again.

Enji clicked his tongue opting to ignore he happy go lucky son and daughter. At least Fuyumi first words were him.

Toya: 8
Fuyumi: 7
Natsuo & Asami: 3

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