~Chapter 40~

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Asami pov

I didn't think I'd react like this. I wasn't expecting to...

I wasn't expecting the sound of Bakugou's explosions to send me right back in my classroom. Right back to when the bomb went off. Back to see how everything happened in slow motion...to see them push me out the way to see them crushed. To see that I couldn't save them...

But here I am on the floor, unable to move. Fear coursed through me, my hands shook and no matter how hard I clenched it wouldn't stop.

"Asami..." I looked up but I was still in the classroom I was still watching them. I was still hearing crying. "Asami! Asami listen to me! Where are you?"

"I'm back...I'm back and I can't..." I chocked "I can't save them..." I whimpered

"Asami-chan, I'm going to touch you..." I nodded then felt slightly cold hands hold onto mine.

"You're not there. You're here, with us. With your brother and his classmates."

"That's right mon ami, you're on a trip with us. You survived that horrible place! You're okay now." My heart was still racing but I recognized the voices.

Aoyama and Tokoyami.

"Asami, You're listening right?" I nodded and my surroundings slowed. "Good. Follow my breathing..." this new voice. This voice it was..Shoji?

I listened and I heard the three teens voices mimicking deep breaths. I followed and the next time I blinked I was back in the forest. I was on my knees, tears still dripping from my eyes and Shoji-san's multiple arms held mine down. He was holding me still, kneeling on the floor with me. Tokoyami and Aoyama behind him and Shoto standing behind them obvious worry in his eyes.

"Can you see us?" Shoto asked frowning. I nodded. Then a wave of panic hit me. But it was not my own.

I became frantic again looking around before I felt myself be dragged backwards by my shadow. Instantly I knew what was happening. I turned just as I collided with Kichirou, only to be pushed away. He was in no better state than I was. Then again, he had also gotten crushed, only it was under his desks.

"Where-!? Why am I back here?! Asami!? Kenta!? Aoi!! No...no...not again...please. We just...we just got out..." he held his head curled into himself.

His quirk was on preventing anyone from approaching us. Anyone but me. I stepped into the shadows and they settled slightly.

He subconsciously recognized me... I shifted and knelt before him taking hold of his hands.



"Asami..." his head snapped up and he looked right at me. But also through me.

"I'm here..." I pulled him to me burying his face in my chest.

"I...I don't want to go back there..."

"We won't"

"I couldn't save them...I couldn't do anything! I was right next to them! How could I survive but not them!?" I held tighter.

"Because they wanted you to survive. It was almost instinct. For us to be pushed out the way as they took the hit."

"But why...? Why them? Why not me!?"

"Because we were younger..." I bit my lip "Because we were the youngest ones. Everyone was already ten and eleven. We were eight and nine. They protected us out of instinct. As they've always done."

Another explosion sounded and we flinched. I turned to the others behind me seeing the entire class making a wall between us and the monsters. They hadn't moved and I know they wouldn't until we're ready.

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