💫Chapter 19: Fallen Snowflakes/Jikook Arranged Marriage Series💫

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Jimin grabbed his bag & went outside. He was both excited & happy. He's hoping to see So Jung & Tae together today. He couldn't express how happy he was at that moment. And everything happened because of his handsome, smart & intelligent boyfriend. His heart swelled with pride thinking about his boyfriend.

An hour later

Jimin couldn't stop giggling as he was hugged by his two bestfriends one by one. As soon as he reached the uni campus both of his friends came to him & hugged him tightly. Tae's eyes filled with tears. He couldn't even talk properly as he broke down. Jimin's own eyes became teary. So Jung held both of them together & started crying too. It wasn't sad tears. It was tears of happiness.

" Jiminie..I need to talk to Jungkook. I really..He's really the best man Jiminie. I'm happy that you got him. He's really an amazing man. I need to thank him " Tae mumbled.

" Ok Tae. I'll tell him. We all can have a friends night together too!" Jimin said woth enthusiasm.

Taehyung & So Jung's eyes lit up.

" Yes Yes!!! YEY" So Jung screamed.
Taehyung & Jimin both giggled at her cuteness.

In The Studio

" Hey baby, I miss you. I hope you're doing good. How's Taehyung & So Jung doing?"

Jimin smiled looking at his phone, seeing Jungkook's texts. He typed back,

" I'm doing ok. Actually better. So Jung & Taehyung are doing fine too. Both of them want to meet you. How about we all have a movie night someday?"

Jimin felt bad after sending the message. He remembered again for the thousands times that his boyfriend was the future CEO of the biggest company in this city. He's probably busy. Jimin was about to send another message but Jungkook replied before that,

" Sure baby. I think I'm free on the next Sunday. How about you all?"

Jimin smiled brightly. His boyfriend was truly the best man.

" Yeah I'm free but let me check if Tae & So Jung are free too. I'll let you know"

" Alright baby. I'll talk to you after the meeting. "

" Ok Kyu. Love you"

" Love you most pretty baby."

Jimin blushed hard at the cute name. He looked at the clock & hurriedly went to the next room, greeting everyone before starting his daily dance practice.

Sunday Evening

Taehyung & So Jung were giggling like little babies while sitting in the back seat of Jungkook's car. Jimin smiled & looked beside to watch his boyfriend's features. Jungkook returned the smile, while driving his car. They were heading to Jungkook's house. Taehyung & So Jung were super excited as it was their first time to visit Jungkook's place. Jimin felt lightheaded.

At Jungkook's house

Taehyung & So Jung looked at the huge apartment with wide eyes. Jungkook's parents weren't at home so they didn't have to greet anyone except a few maids.

" Dude you're amazing!" Taehyung opened his mouth.

" Because of my house?" Jungkook joked.

"I mean you're genuinely amazing. But yeah that's a reason too," Taehyung explained.

Everyone laughed loudly at Taehyung's explanation. So Jung's eyes got fixed at the huge chandelier.

" The chandelier looks amazing. I'll just take it with me," So Jung joked.

" You're open to steal anything. Except my baby," Jungkook replied.

Taehyung & So Jung made a teasing noise at that making Jimin blush hard & Jungkook smile.

They settled down on the living room's couch.

Jungkook turned on the huge TV & went through the options to check on the movies they could watch.

After much discussions, they decided to watch a horror movie. Jimin started punching Tae with his small fists for choosing a horror movie, making everyone laugh.

" It's ok baby. I'm here. You don't need to be scared. I'll protect you," Jungkook pulled Jimin on his lap.

So Jung & Taehyung were sitting side by side, legs tangled.

30 minutes later

Jungkook's phone made a buzz sound making him groan. They were so into the movie. Jimin was cuddled up on Jungkook's lap happily. The phone rang twice.

" Pick it up Kyu. It might be important," Jimin said.

" mm..ok."

Jungkook grabbed his phone & picked it up.

" Hello.."

Jungkook talked for a few minutes. Then cut the call. He groaned & said,

" I'm sorry guys. I think I need to go to my company right now. I'll be back in 30 minutes."

Taehyung & So Jung's head snapped at him. They looked at him with wide eyes. Jimin's eyes widened too,

" Kyu..is everything ok?"

" Yeah. It's just the big company who's trying to partner up with us called at the last minute for a meeting. I'm so sorry baby..I've to go. But I'll back soon. It won't take much time. I promise," Jungkook said apologetically.

" It's ok Kyu. We won't mind. You can go but go safely ok. It's almost 8'30," Jimin said.

" Yeah we'll be fine Jungkook. Just try to come back soon ok?" So Jung said.

" Yeah I will. Thank you guys. I'll be back." Jungkook got up.

He pressed a long kiss on Jimin's plush lips before leaving the house.

Jimin couldn't stop himself for getting sad. He already started missing his boyfriend.

So Jung & Tae both rubbed his back, trying to soothe him.

45 minutes later

Jungkook was happy that it didn't take much time to finish the meeting.
He just wanted to go back to his baby & friends.

He got outside & opened his cardoor. He put on his seat belt before driving the car.

On The Other Side

Jimin couldn't focus much on the movie. He just wanted his Kyu back. So Jung & Taehyung also seemed upset. Just at that moment, his phone rang.


Jimin picked up his phone when it rang for 3 times. He looked at the caller ID & smiled to see his boyfriend calling him.

" Hello Kyu"

" Hello..sorry it isn't someone you're expecting. I just want to let you know the owner of this phone had an accident. So I picked it up to call the last person he talked on his phone. We have sent him to the nearby hospital.."

Jimin's phone fell from his hand..

( To Be Continued...)

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