Titanium Alloy

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I furiously typed a message onto my phone, pouring my emotions onto the screen.

That asshole hasn't said anything since he left. Who does he think he is?! Just leaving with Aria for a couple days on a road trip while I twiddled my thumbs at home, waiting for him? And no doubt after I agreed to have his pups!

He said it was a training excursion, but deep down, I was worried. I couldn't explain it, but something didn't seem right, and to top it off, that bitch Aria was with him.

I hissed in pain as I grabbed my mark.

It constantly burned like bee sting ever since he left. I rubbed the spot with my fingers, hoping it would relieve some of the pain, but as time marched on, the worse it felt. I wondered if he felt the same discomfort that I did?

I was ready to send the horrible message, filled with vulgar language and exclamation points, but something was holding me back.


I collapsed on the bed with the phone shoved in front of my face, contemplating what I should do.

Should I send it?

My finger hovered over the send button. Was I being crazy? Was it the wine Adrian so graciously brought up to my room after a long day of cooking in a hot kitchen?

I decided to help Adrian cook the pack meals for the day, since there was nothing better to do, and surprisingly, I enjoyed the time I spent with him today and learnt a lot about who he was.

He used to be a warrior commander for Holden's father, but as he grew with age, he lost his strength, so Holden decided it was best to keep him close in the pack house running the day to day.

He seemed pretty drunk himself after we finished cooking... I think we went through several bottles of wine by the time we were ready to eat.

I took another large gulp of the red liquid from my glass as I let out a large belch afterwards. I held my hand on my stomach to contain the gas that was coming out of me. I couldn't care less if anyone saw me in this state, I was an emotional wreck.

I kept envisioning Aria and her sexy body, flaunting herself in front of Holden and whoever else wanted to take a gander in her direction.

I tightened my hand around my phone, feeling the anger surge through me like a tidal wave.

"FUCKING BITCH!" I threw the phone like a baseball across the room, hitting the wall on the opposite side. Bits of drywall crumbled down from the impact.

"Opps." I chuckled followed by a drunken hiccup.

My head was fuzzy and I felt like I was floating away on a cloud. It was actually one of the better days I've spent recently. Adrian sometimes reminded me of my father, so big and mighty, but had a funny sense of humor that would brighten your day.

I sighed as I starred into the ceiling, thinking of my family. All the memories, all the times we spent together; gone. Like the ashes from our house, blown away in the wind and never to be seen again. I couldn't figure out what I was upset more about, my dead family, or Holden leaving on a mini vacation with Aria.

I didn't care if anyone thought I was an over jealous woman, because I knew deep down something was wrong. How could I be so naïve before? What should I do? Should I run away? Was I over reacting?

My eyes were slowly shutting and my breathing was beginning to calm like a undisturbed lake; no ripples in the water, just calm serenity. I was being lifted up into the clouds, like I was being taken into another dimension, and I was ready to finally pass out. I was ready to be taken from all the anxious thoughts I've built up over the day.

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