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Loki "Red"

I didn't sleep much that morning. Hippolyta fell asleep in my arms soon after making love, then I just watched her. I had a couple hours to spend with her until I had to leave, but I spent most of my time staring at her peacefully sleeping, wondering what life would be like if things turned out differently.

Would we have our own pups by now? What would our house look like? Would we ever get into arguments over nothing, or just enjoy every second of each other's company?

I sighed heavily as I ran my hand across her bare shoulder. All these questions would have to be left unanswered, but it was still nice to fantasize about them. It made my anxieties drift away, imagining our make-believe life together, but now, I had to go.

My heart dropped as I carefully got out of the bed.

Leaving her room was one of the hardest things I ever had to do. I gave her one last kiss before placing her back under the blankets. This would be the last time I would ever touch her skin, the last time I would bask in her beauty from afar, and it was the last time I would ever be able to whisper, "I love you," before carefully shutting the door behind me.

I wanted to leave us where we last left it, hoping it was the best memory she had of me before my demise.

My eyes grew heavy for a moment as I walked away from her room, but now was not the time to get emotional, because today, I had a job to do.


When I stepped outside the house, I could see a large circle of suited up warriors with black combat gear next to several black armoured trucks. Damian was the tallest, so I could see him in the middle.

I pushed my way through the circle to get a better view.

"You see this boys?" Damian pushed Iris's bloodied body to the ground. His hands were bound behind his back with silver chain, I could barely recognize his face from all the swelling and gashes. "This piece of shit thinks his Alpha can take our Luna and kill our people." Damian pressed his boot down to Iris's head, squeezing it tightly to the mud.

Iris began to yell loudly as his face dug hard into the ground. He struggled, but he was too weakened to put up much of a fight.

As blood poured from his mouth, he still managed to get his words out, "you will fail. You're all ..." Damian pressed down harder onto his face, muffling his words.

"Say that again Iris, I want to hear it," Damian growled.

Iris started to cynically laugh, "Aria will..." he began coughing out more blood.

"Aria will what?" I blurted out from the sidelines. I couldn't help myself, something in the pit of my stomach was telling me to ask.

For a moment, everyone turned their heads towards me, then back onto Damian.

"That bitch is good as dead. They all are." Damian pushed down on his head one last time before backing up to Eric, holding a pistol in his hand.

Damian grabbed the gun from Eric and pointed it to Iris. "Any last words?"

"I have no more words. My only regret is that I loved him..." he coughed harder, like it was difficult to breathe. "And now he... is dead because of me..." He gasped loudly, but this time, lifted his head, like it was his last jolt of energy before the very end. "Just kill me already you dog!" Iris snarled to Damian as he looked down the barrel of the gun.

"As you wish." Damian pressed down on the trigger, and within a split second, there was a loud bang. He shot him directly in the heart.

I kept looking at Iris, his dark eyes were still open, looking up into the dim morning sky. Something about what he said resonated with me, and I wondered what his last thoughts were. I personally didn't have any serious issues with him, except with the fact that he blindly followed a monster Alpha for his entire life, but ever since that day where Aria killed that young man, it changed my perspective.

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