Extraction: Part 3

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Eric and Aaron both went silent ever since he took control over the network. It was quiet, and Adam and I hung like pieces of meat outside, waiting for their signal. I was worried, but at least we could block the signals coming in and out of the building.

The large skyscraper like hospital was located in the city center. It got a little messy creating a perimeter, but we got the job done and now it was all up to Eric to assist with locating Diana.

Adam had a few of his own pack members accompany Aaron and Eric for the extraction of Diana. I couldn't deny stacking more warriors with them, the more the merrier.

I was going to wait a few more minutes until we breached one of the exterior windows, and in the meantime, it was small chit chat with Diana's brother as we swung on rappelling ropes several floors off the ground.

"When did you realize it was my sister?" Adam asked.

"The moment I set eyes on her." I was beginning to have a flashback of the day we first met, and I couldn't help to let out a small smile.

I could still remember the way she looked at me with her menacing blue eyes. She was angry of our intrusion, and who could blame her. In a weird way it made her more irresistible. It was a small detail I'll keep to myself and cherish forever.

"Was that before or after you kidnapped her?"

I narrowed my eyes to Adam, "Really? I took her away from that bastard."

He chuckled lightly, "I'm just yanking your tail... And on a side note, I didn't realize Holden had a brother."

"Technically half-brother, and no, I don't consider him my brother. Just because we share the same mother doesn't mean shit."

"He will pay for what he did, and I hope you will allow me to do it."

"If the opportunity arises, of course, however, Holden is my size. You think you can take him on? I mean... I know you are an Alpha, and you are strong, but my brother... He's something else."

Adam's eyes went cold as he looked down to the city streets below, "I'll die trying."

I placed my hand on his shoulder, "We'll both kill him if we have to. You're not dying again. Diana needs you just as she needs me." I sighed heavily, "She needs her family."

He looked to me with eyes full of emotion, like he was trying to hold back the tears. "I never got to say goodbye to my father that night, he took that opportunity away from me."

"I'm sorry..."

"Its fine, I'm over grieving, and the only thing on my mind is getting that son of a bitch so I can move on with my life."

"I share the same affliction; however, vengeance is a rocky slope. It can change you. Just be careful..."

I began recollecting the past few days; all the warriors I killed, the scouts, the ones begging for their lives, and I just wiped them out without batting an eye.

All because they were allied to my brother.

I was no better than Holden, and I realized that now, but it was a little too late. I was going to have to live with those decisions for the rest of my life. I couldn't blame my severed connection to my mate for going on a murdering rampage, and if I get her back, I was going to tell her everything.

I was going to tell her how weak I was when she was gone, and how I succumbed to my inner beast. I was going to tell her how much I avoided sleeping in my own bed because she wasn't there.

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