The King is Dead

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Time was going in slow motion.

The plunger slowly pushing into her neck by Aaron's finger.

The tears falling down her face as she watched me hold myself back in fear.

Then, in a split second, it was Adam lunging forward to stop Aaron.

As for me, I was frozen. I was too late to call Adam off, and by the time he lunged forward, one of his own men who also occupied the room shot him straight in the chest.

Before I could even call out his name his body already hit the floor. There was no blood, but I could hear him struggling to breathe. We were wearing armour, but silver at close range could penetrate into our skin.

Diana's eyes lit up as she watched her brother's body twitch for life on the floor.

"Adam!!" She struggled more in his arms but was too afraid of the syringe still protruding from her neck.

My jaw clenched tightly together, "YOU TRAITOROUS BASTARD! YOUR WORSE THAN A ROUGE, YOU'RE A FILTHY RAT!" My hands were shaking as I tried my best to contain my beast who was ready to kill every single person in the vicinity. I thought coming into this I would be aiming my sights on Holden, but it seems Aria and Aaron beat me to it.

"I'm telling you these transitions can get a little messy." Aria smirked as she ran her hand through Holden's hair. It was eerie watching her play with his tousled hair as his body laid cold on the patient bed.

"Why did you do this?!" I clenched my fists tighter and took a small step towards Aaron.

The scent of Diana was driving me crazy. She was standing six feet away and I couldn't do a damn thing about it. My mind was on fire, my body trembled, but my hope to save her was still with me.

"You think me, and the surviving pack members want to follow Adam to our deaths, and for what? Revenge? Trying to take back his sister that is already mated to another Alpha? Our pack was in shambles after his father denied Holden, and he paid a terrible price. We all did that day. We all needed a fresh start and I kept telling Adam that, but revenge consumed his mind. He cared more about revenge then his own fucking pack, so me and a few others are taking a stand. This was long overdue Damian. It just took a few alliances to make it happen." Aaron glanced over to Aria who was flirtatiously twirling her finger in her hair.

"You naïve boy. She would never give you a second look if she couldn't use you. Are you that dumb? Are you that power hungry that you would throw away everything you stand for?!"

I was practically shouting at the top of my lungs, making the warriors surrounding us uneasy. They looked like they were the stragglers from Adam's pack, following Aaron blindly as their new Alpha. I'm sure the ones who disagreed with Aaron was among the pile of dead bodies we found in the other room.

"Are you sad that you couldn't kill your brother instead of me Damian?" Aria strutted forward towards me, and I immediately tensed up. My teeth were jamming hard into my mouth to the point where I could taste my own blood.

"Don't fucking get close to me, I can't guarantee that I won't kill you bitch," I growled.

"Feisty, just like Holden. It's too bad you're in love." Aria smiled to Aaron who began pushing on the syringe once again.

"NOO!" I raised my hands in the air, "DON'T DO IT..." I sighed heavily, "What do you want?" It pained me to ask. It fucking pained me so hard to not kill them, but I had to do it for her, no matter the cost.

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