Unexpected Fate

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I couldn't believe it. We were not having just one, but two babies. I was beyond the moon with the news, but still, there was something in the pit of my stomach that wasn't sitting right. The doctor continued analyzing the screen after showing us the second heartbeat.

"Hmm, strange." The doctor kept his eyes on the ultrasound screen.

"What is?" Holden hovered over the doctor's shoulder.

If this day couldn't get any worse. Was this more bad news? I don't think my heart could take it. I was excited I was having twins, but now, I was planning my escape.

"There is an unusually large growth discordance, you see how this is bigger than the other one?" He pointed to one side of the screen.

"Yes, so what does that mean?" Holden replied.

"Just one moment Alpha, I mean, the likely hood is near impossible." He kept moving the wand, and I could see him starting to jot down the measurements from the screen. "In all my years of practice, I've never seen something like this."

My heart stopped. What did this all mean. My eyes widened as I looked to the ceiling.

"Nurse, please, scan these images to Dr. Heinsberg in the city. I need a second opinion. This can't be possible."

"Right away doctor." The nurse opened her laptop and started typing away.

"Is there something wrong with the babies?" Holden's voice grew with concern, and I was surprised considering the fact that they weren't his. He took a seat beside me, but I kept my eyes on the ceiling. I wanted to mute out everyone in the room.

"Ok Luna, you can cover up, I have what I need." The doctor pulled out the scope and proceeded to take his gloves off.

I sighed in relief as I closed my legs. I pulled down the gown as much as possible and continued to stare blankly to the ceiling. My heart was pounding, my anxiety was to the roof, but I had to remain calm. I had to figure out how I was getting out of here.

I kept thinking about Hippolyta and this plan Red referred to. Did she really have a way out of here? How could we escape in my weakening condition? I could barely run at this point. My pregnancy wasn't showing right now, but internally, I was weak. I already felt like I was 6 months pregnant, and I wasn't sure why. Wasn't it too early to feel like this? Was there something seriously wrong with the babies?

"He's looking at them now Doctor." The nurse was typing. I assumed she was speaking to Dr. Heinsberg on the other side.

Holden quietly sat beside me. For an impatient man, he sure had all the patience in the world for this.

The doctor's cell phone vibrated in his pocket.

"Just one moment Alpha." He pulled his phone out and faced the window. "Hello Dr. Heinsberg, sorry to disturb you, but I really needed this second opinion." He paused and started nodding his head. "Ah yes, that's what I said..." He paused again. "Yes, exactly, this is what I was thinking, she will only get worse."

My heart dropped hearing his conversation.

"Thank you again, I'll keep you in mind in future." The doctor put his phone back in his white lab coat and turned to us.

"Alpha, Luna..." He looked to both of us. "I'm sorry, this is..." He nodded his head and sighed heavily, "This is most likely a superfetation."

Holden and I turned to look at each other. Obviously neither one of us has ever heard of the term.

Two Alpha's, One MateWhere stories live. Discover now