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August 13th- Six weeks pregnant

Hearing the annoying beeping of her alarm going off, Maddie opened her eyes, picked up her iPhone, and turned it off. She really didn't want to get out of bed, but she already snoozed it twice and she had class in an hour and a half.

She quickly got into the shower, then put her hair up in a bun after getting dressed in a pair of yoga pants and a T-shirt, she didn't have time to get dressed in anything else. She put on her black Ugg boots before grabbing her bag and rushing out of the apartment she shared with Katie.

She walked into class twenty minutes later, sipping her Cinnamon Dolce coffee that she got at the on campus Starbucks. She walked up the stairs to the very back row of seats in the class.

The professor walked in and started writing on the board. She loved her English Literature class, but lately, she could barely concentrate on anything the professor was saying and not just for this class, all of her classes, and she was quickly falling behind, most likely from the stress of everything she was going through.

"Happy Friday." The professor said, turning to face the students. Immediately, she got a flashback to when Jude told her to contact him by Friday, or he would be 'contacting' her. She quickly took out her phone and scrolled through her contacts until she found his number, which she had put into her phone after she saw him.

She decided she wasn't going to play into his game. He wasn't going to boss her around, telling her when she contact him, no way. She put her phone in her bag on the floor and paid attention to the lecture going on.

She got home around five, Her Literature class ended at eleven, then her Science class was from Eleven thirty to two forty five, and from three to four thirty, she had her Pilates class.

She walked up to her front door, looking in her purse for her keys. She really needed a new purse, this thing was giant.

She finally found her key chain, way in the bottom of her purse, below the rennet check that she meant to put in the mail last week. 'Crap.' She thought before unlocking her door and going inside. She locked the door behind her. "Katie?" She asked, walking in.

"I forgot to mail the rent check last week, please don't hate me, I'll go out and mail it right now, and call Mr. Wang and tell him." She said, walking through the kitchen and turning left, into the living room, where she saw Katie, sitting on the couch, that wasn't what shocked her, what shocked her was she was sitting across from Jude. How did he know where she lived?

"What are you doing here?" She asked, glancing over at Katie, who stood up from the couch.

"I told you to call me y today, or at least send a text, and you didn't. I also told you that if you didn't, you would hear from me, so here I am." He said, crossing his arms.

He was wearing a pair of dark jeans that hung off his hips, a white T-shirt, and of course, the leather vest with his clubs Emblem and name, with a patch that said 'president' on the chest.

"Well, just because you tell me to do something, doesn't mean I am going to do it, I was busy. I'm fine now you can go." She said.

She turned to Katie. "Why did you let him in?" She asked angrily.

"He wouldn't leave until he talked to you. I told him you weren't' home, and he said he would wait outside, it was freaking out the neighbors, so I let him in. He has been here since one." She aid, crossing her arms.

Jude rolled his eyes. "I came here to check on you, and talk to you, you came and told me you were pregnant and that was it, there is a lot more to talk about." He said, running a hand through his hair.

"Fine. We can talk." She said angrily, picking up her bag and walking upstairs to her room, expecting him to follow, which he did.

She closed her bedroom door and sat down. "What is there to talk about?" She asked.

"There is a lot to talk about. You're having my kid, you can't just pretend I don't exist, you may not like me, or what I do, but you're going to have to tolerate it. We don't have to be together, but we have to get along, for the baby." He said.

took a deep breath, she knew he was right, he had a right to be in the baby's life and they would have to get along, even if they weren't together, or ever going to be together. They hardly knew each other, and they would have to fix that, before the baby came.

"Fine." She whispered. "No, I don't like you, or what you do, you're a criminal, Jude. I want nothing to do with that, and I don't think that is the life I want my baby growing up in." She said, standing up. "But, I can't stop you from seeing him or her, so we should try to get along, and work something out, and get to know each other." She said quietly.

He nodded. "I agree, we need to get to know each other. There is a barbecue at my club house tomorrow at three, you should come, meet everyone. We really aren't as bad as you think we are." He said.

She nodded, but didn't say anything.

"Have you been to the doctor yet?" He asked her. She shook her head. "My appointment is the day after tomorrow." She said softly.

Jude nodded, looking deep in thought. "I want to go, I'll pick you up, what time is it at?" He asked.

She shook her head. "What? No, you can't go." She said, shocked that he would even want to go.

He sighed, annoyed. "Why do you have to argue about everything?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"You are the only person who argues with me. It's unbelievably frustrating." He said, before smiling a little.

"But, I think I like that you're brave." He said.

She rolled her eyes. "Fine. Pick me up at twelve, don't be late, I have to be there by twelve thirty." She said.

"And I am not riding on your motorcycle." She said seriously.

He nodded. "I'll bring my truck." He said, shrugging. "See you at three tomorrow. You can bring your friend if you want." He told her before walking over and kissing her cheek. "Call me if you need me, I'll be here." He said, sounding so genuine and caring, before turning and walking out of her room.

She listened as he walked down the stairs, said bye to Katie, and walked out of the front door. She heard his motorcycle pull away as she walked downstairs to talk to Katie about going to the Barbecue the next day.

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