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September 1st- Eight weeks and four days pregnant.

After showering and getting dressed, Maddie's mom knocked on the door of her childhood bedroom. "Come in." She said softly as she finished zipping up her jacket. Her mom walked in and smiled at her. "We would like to go out to lunch, and you should invite Jude. We need to get to know him since it seems like he is going to be around more often." She said with a small smile."As long as you guys aren't going to judge him and make him uncomfortable. He is a good guy." She said softly. Her mom nodded. "Your father and I agreed that we were going to try to get to know him before you guys go home next week. If you say he is a good guy, then we believe you." She said.

Maddie ran a hand through her hair, sighing. "Okay." She whispered. She picked up her phone.

To: Jude

From: Maddie

Good morning.

Do you want to have lunch with my parents and I today? 30 minutes at the country club?

She sent the message and went into her bathroom to finish getting ready.

She heard her phone chime and picked it up off of the bathroom counter.

From: Jude

To: Maddie

Yeah, meet you there.

That was it, not good morning, not how are you, nothing, just that he will meet her there. She put her phone in her pocket and finished getting ready before walking downstairs and getting into her parents car.

She checked her phone again an didn't get a reply before they got to the restaurant.

Twenty minutes later, her parents were sipping cocktails while Maddie drank lemonade.

"Why isn't he here yet? Is he always late? I mean, what is going to happen when the baby is born? Is he going to be late for that too?" Her mom asked.

Maddie rolled her eyes. "No, he won't be." She said, sighing.

The waiter walked over. "Are you ready yet, Mr. and Mrs. Valentine?" A familiar voice asked. Maddie looked up and saw her high school boyfriend, Alex, standing in front of her. "Hey, Mads, I didn't know you were back." He said with a smile. She smiled awkwardly.

"Yeah, I come back every break." She said quietly. He nodded. "That's great, I'm sure that your parents enjoy that." He said to her. She nodded. Alex and Maddie dated for three years in high school, freshman, sophomore and junior year. He was a year older than her, so after he graduated, they ended up breaking up, but he was the 'popular' guy in their high school. He was blonde with blue eyes, tall and athletic, he was the guy all of the girls had a crush on.

"Sorry I'm late." She heard from somewhere behind her. She turned around and stood up. "Hey." She said quietly to Jude. He smiled and wrapped his arms around her. "How are you feeling today?" He asked her as he pulled away and looked her over, stopping at her stomach. "How is he?" He asked. "He?" She squeaked out. "Yes, he." He said with a smirk. "She... She is fine." She said before sitting down. "But I'm starving." She said softly. Jude smiled at her and turned to her parents. "It's nice seeing you both again." He said politely. "You too, Jude." Her dad said as he sat down at the table.

"Now that we're all here, are we ready to order?" Alex asked, looking shocked at Maddie. She had completely forgotten that he was there. She blushed, and nodded.

"I'll have the fruit salad with a greek yogurt parfait." Her mother ordered while Madelyn looked over the menu with Jude.

"I'll have the steak and eggs, rare." Her dad requested.

"Mads?" Alex asked, making Jude look at him, then to Maddie with a confused look.

"I'll have waffles with fruit please." She said. He nodded.

"Steak and eggs, also." Jude said, closing his menu,

Alex finished writing the order and smiled at Maddie.

It was good to see you again, Mads." He said before walking away.

Maddie glanced over at Jude. "I knew him in high school." She whispered.

He nodded and took her hand gently.

"You're feeling good this morning?" He asked her. She nodded.

"Yeah, pretty much." She said softly. "I'm just really hungry." She said with a smile.

Her dad smiled. "So, we are glad to see you here, Jude. My wife and I wanted to apologize for how we acted yesterday, we were upset, but we shouldn't have judged you prematurely." He said, reaching out to shake Jude's hand.

Jude shook his hand and nodded. "I understand. This is a lot to take in, your daughter showed up with the president of a motorcycle club, and told you she was pregnant, it's not easy to accept, I would have done the same if it were my daughter... Well, honestly, I probably would have been arrested by the time I would be done with the guy, so, I completely understand your reaction." He said.

Her dad smiled. "So, let's get this out of the way. You like my daughter? I know this whole thing has started off as a 'hook up' as you kids call it, but I don't think a hook up would follow my daughter all the way to Minnesota to visit her family, would they?" He asked. Jude looked over at Maddie, who was into a very animated conversation with her mom about college, and wasn't paying attention to the conversation he was having with her dad at all.

"Yeah. I like her, a lot." He told her dad.

"It did start out that way, as just a hook up, but I knew right away that wasn't all I wanted from her. You're daughter is unlike any other woman I have met." He said with a smile.

"Well, I am glad to hear that." Her dad said.

Maddie ran a hand through her hair as she waited for her food, it was taking forever, or at least it seemed like it. After talking to her mom for ten minutes and telling her all about her classes and friends, and her apartment with Katie, she was hungry and impatient.

"Ugh, I need food." Maddie said, leaning back in her chair.

Finally a few minutes later, their food was brought out, and Maddie devoured her waffles, and a few bites of Jude's steak.

When the check was brought, Jude insisted on paying, and they walked out to the parking lot together, Jude had parked his bike right next to her parents car.

Maddie smiled at Jude and kissed his cheek. "Thanks for coming." She whispered. He smiled. "Anything for you." He whispered against her cheek before kissing it.

"You look beautiful today, Maddie." He told her, running a hand through her hair.

Maddie smiled. "Thanks... What are you doing today?" She asked him.

He sighed. "Club stuff, I have a lot of stuff to do while we're here, I don't visit this chapter much, so when I do, I have a lot to do." He told her. "But I'll call you tonight, and I want to see you tomorrow." He said.

She nodded and they kissed again before he left.

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