Sixteen Part One

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Jude's P.O.V

Pulling up to the club house, he parked his bike.He couldn't wait to get his hands on the guy who went after Maddie, they knew he wasn't working alone, they needed to get him to talk, and find out who he worked for, and then he would go after that guy, and every other guy involved, until he took them all down.

When he was finished, Maddie would be safe, and never have to worry about someone coming after her ever again, he would make sure of it.

Walking through the door of the clubhouse, he went to the basement, where Noah was being held, no, holding him there wasn't right, or legal, but he would do anything to keep Madelyn safe, laws would not stop him.

The dumb kid was asleep, sitting on a chair, his hands tied behind him.

Jude kicked the chair, causing it to fall over and wake the guy up.

"Remember me, you little shit?" He asked, looking down at the guy laying on his side on the floor.

Jude nodded to Mac, who helped him back up into a sitting position in the chair, and ripped the duct tape off of his mouth.

"Where is Maddie?" Noah stupidly asked.

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, a loud crack broke through the room as Jude punched him in the mouth hard enough to knock out his front teeth.

"Don't you ever say her name again." He growled through his teeth.

"Who do you work for?" He asked, shaking his head.

"No one, I don't work for anyone." He mumbled, spitting out the knocked out teeth onto the floor.

"Don't lie to me, you have one more chance. Give me a name and then this is over, or we can spend the next five hours beating it out of you, but either way, I will get the name, one way is just a little less bloody." Jude said, shrugging.

Noah shook his head. "I can't, I can't say anything." He said desperately.

Jude took a step forward, raising his fist.

"No!!! Wait!!!" Noah yelled.

"K-Kandy, and her brother Zeus, he's some drug dealer a few towns over, I needed the money, he paid me, said that he wanted his to get back at Maddie for stealing you away from her." He said.

"Keep him here, Mac let's go." He said angrily. He got exactly what he wanted, now he just needed to find Kandy and her brother.

He was going to have to apologize to Maddie a thousand times for not believing her when she said that Kandy was behind this, he was so sure that Kandy was harmless.

"We're going to find this guy, Zeus, and his sister, tonight, this has gone on long enough, and today, they crossed a major line." He said angrily.

He knew who Zeus was, three towns over, Zeus ran a small town of mostly junkies and people who could only afford to live among them, he had a few guys watching his back, but they were nothing to Mesa Highway, the most powerful MC in Southern California.

After the half hour ride through the desert to the abandoned ghost town Zeus and apparently Kandy called home, they pulled up to the 'safe house' Zeus had for himself.

It wasn't really safe, Jude only had to ask a guy standing on a street corner where to find him and he was given the directions, idiots.

Not bothering knocking, Jude kicked the flimsy old wooden door in, and Mac, clip, Jude, and a couple prospects entered the house, guns drawn.

"Hands up." They yelled, shocking everyone in the room.

Zeus, Kandy, two unknown guys, and a couple girls were sitting on a couch, looking to be in a serious conversation when they walked in.

The women put their hands up, and Jude nodded to the two he didn't know. "Get out of here, don't say a word, or you have problems with Mesa Highway, got it?" He asked, and they both nodded, running out of the house. "Sit down." Jude ordered Kandy, her brother and the two other greasy junkie guys, they had stood up in shock, with their hands held high.

Jude nodded to the guys, who searched everyone for weapons.

"What's going on here?" Zeus asked angrily, but he already knew, if the way he was shaking meant anything.

"You know what we're doing here, you paid someone to kidnap my fiancé, now you're going to tell me your plan, before I take you down." Jude said calmly, but his voice deadly.

"I don't know what you're talking about Jude." Kandy started.

Jude cut her off. "Don't even start Kandy, that little bitch you hired told me everything, you're lucky to be standing here, but I will deal with you later." He said sharply.

"Gun!!!" Mac yelled as shots rang out, echoing through the safe house.

Wow, that was a crazy chapter. This is part one of chapter sixteen, there will be two parts. Sorry for the cliffhanger. Part two up hopefully tomorrow. What do you think happened? And what do you think of Jude's P.O.V? I think only 3-5 more chapters in this book!!!

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