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August 31st - Eight and a half weeks pregnant.

Maddie walked through the airport. It was ten thirty two in the morning and she had just landed in Minnesota with Jude, Katie and Mac.

Jude had sent a few other club members too, but they were driving, since Jude 'needed' his bike for some club stuff that they were going to be doing while they were here so she could visit her family.

"The guys are about an hour out, they are going to meet us at your parents' house." Jude said as he hung up his phone. He picked up they're bags.

"The taxi is outside." Katie said, after also hanging up her phone.

Maddie had called her parents and told them she was bringing her best friend home with her, and also, her boyfriend, but she didn't know that Jude was having five of the club guys come also, but they were staying at a hotel, so that didn't really matter, did it?

As they all got into the large taxi minivan, Maddie told the driver the address and they were off to her parents' house, Maddie was excited, she hadn't seen her parents since January. This visit wasn't going to be as fun as usual though, not only was she bringing a 'boyfriend' home, for the first time ever, she had to tell them that the scary looking biker criminal, was actually the father of her baby, that they didn't know she was pregnant with. Yeah, this was going to be a really fun trip.

"Maybe you can not wear your vest when you meet my parents..." She suggested quietly to Jude in the Taxi. He shook his head. "We don't take off our cuts babe, I am not going to pretend to be someone I'm not, either your parents can accept me or not, I really don't care either way. I inherited this club from my dad, and I'm not hiding it from anyone." He said. She nodded, understanding, but her dad was going to have a fit, he was an accountant, and he followed the law very carefully, he has never even gotten a parking ticket.

She ran a hand through her hair. "Jude... Be nice to them, okay?" She asked, taking his hand gently and leaning her head on his shoulder. He smiled. "Of course." He whispered against her temple before giving it a kiss.

It took about a twenty minute drive from the airport to get to her parents' house. The taxi parked in the large, round driveway of the white two story house. The neighborhood was very nice, large manicured lawns in front of every house, the houses all looked similar, big, two stories, in either white or beige. Maddie felt almost like she was being transported back to high school, it happened every time she came home.

She looked over at the parked cars and saw three shiny BMW's. Her dads silver BMW 750Li, her mom's black X1, and her older brother, Zeek's blue Z4. She rolled her eyes at the flashiness of the cars as she picked up one of her bags. "Drop it." Jude said, walking over to her. She did as he said and put her hands up, rolling her eyes.

"You. Don't. Lift. Heavy. Things." Jude said, kissing her between every word. She sighed. "It's not heavy, it's just clothes." She said. "But if you insist, you can carry it." She said with a smile.

He picked up the bags. "Lead the way." He said with a smile as the front door open and she heard her mom yell her name.

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