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Jude ran a hand through his hair as he walked with his wife and four year old daughter to the door where her preschool teacher Mrs. Essie was waiting, greeting the students and their parents. It was Brooklyn's first day, and she was currently clinging onto him, both of her little arms wrapped around his neck, taking in her surroundings with wide eyes.

He wasn't ready for this. He had tried to convinced Maddie to wait, but she thought it was important for Brooklyn to learn social skills and learn to be away from them for small amounts of time before she started Kindergarten next year, which made sense, but she was his little girl!!!

Looking around, he rolled his eyes at the stares he was getting from the other parents, of course, he was wearing his cut that made it known that he was the president of Mesa, and most of his tattoos were showing.

 They were probably wondering how a criminal  like him could send his daughter to a private preschool.

He looked at Maddie as Mrs. Essie walked over to them.

"Are you sure about this? I mean, she can wait another year, right Brookie?" He asked with a smile.

Brooklyn smiled, nodding in agreement.

"Mr and Mrs. Starwell, nice to see you again." The teacher said. She was in her mid forties, and slender, with blonde hair and blue eyes, she looked like a soccer mom and seemed very nice.

"You too, we are very excited for Brooklyn's first day." Maddie said with a smile.

"She will have a great day, I promise." The kind woman said with a smile.

"Brooklyn, why don't you say goodbye, and we can go and meet the other kids?" She asked.

Brooklyn shook her head and held onto Jude tighter.

"You're going to have a lot of fun with Mrs. Essie, you are going to color, and play outside and make friends!!! Daddy and I are going to leave, and we will be back to get you in a little bit, we will be back before you even miss us." Maddie said to her daughter with a smile.

"I don't want to!!!" Brooklyn yelled, shaking her head.

"Brookie, you will love preschool, I promise." She said.

Shaking her head, tears started  streaming down her chubby cheeks.

"Shh, Brookie, it's okay, you want to go home?" He asked, wiping away her tears. She nodded, wrapping her arms around his neck and laying her head on his shoulder.

Jude looked over at Maddie.

"I'm taking her home." He said.

"Jude, this is good for her, she needs to socialize, it will be hard for her for five minutes, then she will start playing and having fun." Maddie said.

"She doesn't want to stay Maddie, I'm not making her." Jude said, looking over at his wife of two years.

"Fine..." She said softly. Even though she thought that after a few minutes, Maddie would love preschool, she seemed to not be ready yet, they would try again another time.

When they got home,  Jude set Brooklyn down in the living room, and she went to go play with her toys.

He turned to face his wife.

"I know your mad, but I am not going to leave her there when she's not ready, she's four. we'll continue to teach her here, for now, she already knows her colors, shapes,  animal sounds and letters, and she can count to fifty, she doesn't need to go to preschool for social skills, she is  friends with the club kids, she'll be fine." He said, walking over and hugging her.

"I'm not mad... I wasn't really ready for her to start school." She whispered.

"But, I have to go to work, so you'll have to watch her today, take her to the clubhouse with you I guess." She said before kissing Jude.

"Bye." She said with a smile.

Four Hours Later

"Brooklyn, wait!!!" Jude yelled as his daughter ran around the clubhouse, hyper off of an ice cream bar that someone had given her. He would find out who. He had been trying to catch her fo the last five minutes.

"Brooklyn." He said, shaking his head as she hid behind Mac.

Mac laughed, picking Brooklyn up and holding her upside down.

She laughed loudly, looking at Jude.

"Where did you get that?" He asked her with a smile as he took her in his arms.

She smiled. "Colton." She said softly.

"Of course." Jude said, rolling his eyes.

Colton was Mac's son, he came every summer to stay with Mac, but lived in Nevada with his mom the rest of the year.

He was only ten, but a great kid, and he loved motorcycles, Mac was always teaching him how to fix bikes and taking him on rides, Brooklyn had deemed him her 'best friend' as soon as he got here last month, and he didn't seem to mind her following him around and her taking his ear off about nothing at all.

"Well, you know the rules, no ice cream before dinner." He said to her before taking a bite of the ice cream bar. "But since you've already started eating it, just don't tell your mom." He said with a smile before putting her down and watching her walk off with a smile.

"Maddie is gonna kill you." Mac said, shaking his head.

"And why exactly would I do that?" Maddie asked, shutting the door behind her.

Brooklyn turned back around the corner after hearing Maddie's voice.

"Mama!!!" She yelled, running over to Maddie and hugging her legs.

Picking up Brooklyn, Maddie rolled her eyes at Jude. "Really? Ice cream an hour before dinner?" She asked with a small smile.

"I didn't give it to her, but look at her little chocolaty face, I couldn't take it away." He said with a smiled.

He walked over and kissed Maddie. "How was work?" He asked her.

"It was good, Katie and I had lunch together. Sushi at that place on second street, it was amazing, we have to go back soon." She said before waving at Mac.

Jude smiled. "I'll take your word for it." He said, he wasn't a big fan of sushi, but unfortunately, his wife loved it.

"Let's go home." He said, smiling down at the two most important people in his life.

The End

A/N Thank you all so much for reading 'Just One Night' and please watch for the sequel (Brooklyn's story) coming soon, please follow me for updates. :)

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