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First of all, I would like to say a HUGE thank you to LightTheCandle for making my awesome new cover, I love it, it's beautiful and exactly what I wanted.

November 8th - Four months and one week pregnant.

Maddie and Jude had spent the last week enjoying being engaged, they even started planning the wedding, only the small details so far, but they have decided to get married after the baby is born, Maddie wanted to feel pretty in her dress, not that she didn't feel pretty now, but she wanted to look back at the pictures and show them to the baby when she grows up without having to explain everything.

Jude agreed, well, he was just going along with whatever she wanted, which is okay too, but he did decide that since it was after the baby is born, and she won't be pregnant anymore, instead of taking a limo to the hotel they were going to be staying at after the wedding, they were taking his motorcycle, which was a scary thought, she had never been on one, and never really planned to try it, but Jude insisted on it, and his club brothers were going to be escorting them to the hotel. Katie had offered to watch the baby over night so they could stay at the hotel alone, which was nice.

"Maddie." She heard someone interrupting her daydream, she had been laying down trying to take a nap for an hour, she was really tired these days.

She looked over to see Jude. "You okay?" He asked as he slipped on his combat boots.

"Yeah. Just tired." She whispered.

"Well, it's about time to leave for the carnival, I thought you were ready to go." He said with a smile as he leaned down to kiss her.

She kissed him back, before sighing.

"Do we have to go?" She asked. All she knew was that the whole club was going to 'show their support for the community'. That's all Jude would tell her about it.

"Yes, we're leaving in ten minutes, even if you're in those cute little shorts you sleep in." He said with a smirk as he picked up the keys for his bike.

"Katie is riding on Mac's bike, but Ali is driving a few girls in her car, you're going with them." He said before leaving the room.

Maddie got up and changed into a coral sun dress with a pair of matching wedges.

"I can't even go on any rides." Madide whined as they walked through the large carnival downtown.

Jude shook his head. "Well, even if you weren't pregnant, you still couldn't in that dress." He told her with a smirk.

She rolled her eyes. "Well, I only wore the dress because I knew that I wasn't going to get to go on any of the rides." She said with a pout as she watched Katie, Mac and a couple of the other guys get on 'The Spinster' a was a roller coaster that had seats that spin!!! Something she would love to go on if she could.

"Will you stop pouting if we go get a funnel cake?" He asked her with a smirk.

She immediately stopped pouting. "Yes!!!" She yelled, causing even more eyes to turn to them. They already had people staring, I mean, what kind of motorcycle club goes to a carnival to go on rides and eat funnel cake? Nine that she had ever heard of.

He shook his head. "Okay, let's go." He said, laughing at how excited she was over it.

After eating more than half of the funnel cake they were supposed to be sharing, Maddie and Jude walked around for another two hours while everyone went on rides. Maddie and Jude played games for a while, but Maddie had to sit down, all this walking around was getting to her. She was more than ready to go home and take a nap.

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