Chapter Eighteen

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I stepped into Esmeralda's house behind everyone else. Titus was walking silently behind me while Adonis was in a full on argument with Ximena. I don't know where Kenji and Lucian had disappeared to. I just hoped they didn't cause any trouble for us.

"My boys are working today and my daughter Yau is taking care of the diner." She explained leading us to a couch. "You'll meet them at dinner."

"We're not staying that long. This is meant to be a short visit." I smiled lightly.

"Well hopefully you're in the States for a while. What are you doing back? Is this a permanent move?" She asked sweetly.

"It's nothing permanent. I'll just be spending a few weeks in New York. I never got to put all my father's affairs in order." I lied.

"You can't possibly be thinking of staying with your family while you do that. They'll kill you in your sleep." She said with a worried expression.

"I can handle my family. And I won't be staying with them. I just need to finalise on dads will and do what I need to do." I told her.

Adonis and Luc had already sorted that out when I moved to Alexandria but she didn't know that. They had sold the house and everything we didn't need and put the important stuff in a storage unit. I just couldn't have anyone knowing where I was staying. I couldn't trust anyone but the people I came with.

It had been two weeks since the Hailey's burial. We had no leads on Alistair and Dardanos. But we were hoping to find some here. This town, and the surrounding areas, was radio silent on suspicious activity or possible attacks. And as a supernatural safe haven there should have been some unease. But there wasn't which made it suspicious to us.

"Well that's a shame I would have loved for you to stay. Maybe even spend the night. I mean the drive to New York is long." Esmeralda said.

"We're not driving." I smiled sweetly.

"I see."

"Hey Esmeralda I thought you had four kids. How come there are only pictures of three around the house?" Lucian asked walking into the living room with Kenji and Adonis. Ximena glaring at Don's back.

"Alfalfa doesn't like getting photographed. He always disappears when its time for family photos and bonding. He gets away with it because he's moms favorite." Ximena said throwing herself onto a chair.

"I don't have any favorites."

"Says every mom ever." She said rolling her eyes.

"I wonder who would have been moms favorite." Lucian says out loud.


"Mel." Adonis and Kenji say at the same time I do.

"You're my familiar." Luc gasps at Don a look of betrayal on his face.

"You're not the main character bud." Kenji laughs.

"I could be." Luc grumbles and I smile.

"Yes you could." I tell him.

"All this sibling banter is making want to throw up. I'm off to the garage to bother Alf and Elijah." Ximena said.

"They work at a garage?" Kenji asks

"Co-own it. Alf wanted a business of his own so he opened it up." She tells us.

"I'll come with you. I think the car needs a check up before we head back." Titus says seeing an opening to execute our plan.

"Great. And while you're at it could you drop us off at the diner? I'm feeling a little hungry. You said you're daughter was working today right Esmeralda?" I asked.

"Yau will take good care of you." She said smiling.

"Don and I aren't hungry so we'll stay here. I want to check out the lake." Lucian said.

"Awesome. Titus will pick us all up after when its time to leave." I smiled getting up.

As we walked out the door I made eye contact with Kenji who nodded. Divide and conquer. Titus was calmer and more diplomatic he could handle being stuck with Ximena. Hopefully he could recognise someone in town and possibly get something out of her brothers.

We were going to find lead here. I just knew it.


I sat across Kenji in a both at Esmeralda's silently looking around at the smiling customers.

"Welcome to Esmeralda's how can I...."

Our waitress stopped talking and just stared at me for a few seconds. She blinked before shaking her head.

"Sorry. I'm Yau I'll be serving you today. You must be Mel and Kenji." She said slipping on a smile.

"Yes. I take it your mom called ahead." I smiled back accepting the menus she handed us.

"She did. She wanted me to handle you personally." She said not making eye contact with me now focusing all her attention on Kenji.

"Awesome." Ken smiles. He quickly scans the menu and orders for both of us. She smiles, takes back the menus and walks away still avoiding eye contact.

"That wasn't weird at all." I mumbled.

"She recognised you."

"Well we've never met. Maybe Esmeralda sent her a picture."

"No. That's not it. Esmeralda called telling her we were coming and gave her our names. She'd know its us because we're the only outsiders here. The only faces she doesn't know. She looked at you like she couldn't believe you were here. She's seen you before. The question is where? Because she shouldn't have panicked at the sight of you if it was anything good." He said.

I looked in the direction she had disappeared to and frowned. He was right.

She reappeared ten minutes later with our order placing the food in front of us.

"Is there anything else I can help you with?" She asked another fake smile.

"Yes actually. We were wondering if anyone new moved into town in the last two years." I asked "Or if anything seems off lately."

"No new residents. The last people to move here were the Coopers and that was six years ago." She said.

"Thanks." I tell her.

"Can I ask why you're asking?"

"We're just looking for someone. An old friend." I smile. "We were hoping he ended up here."

"Sorry to disappoint you."

"Oh its no problem. We'll find him eventually."

She walked away and Kenji closed his eyes taking in a deep breathe. He was silent for a while and suddenly opened his eyes. They flashed for a second before going back to normal.


"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I cannot wait until you get your super hearing. She just called someone and told them you were here."

"We should get going then." I said.

"After we eat." He said picking up a fry and eating it.

"Kenji. She's probably called Alistair and he's on his way with an army. Or warned him to leave town." I hissed.

"Trust me on this. Eat your food and act like nothings wrong. She'll be watching us now."


Well well well. Who wants our love birds to bump into each other?

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