Chapter Twenty Six

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I would like to apologise in advance to everyone still in love with Xander😬. I just thought I'd add a little twist.


I watch her roam the ground floor of the casino from where I'm standing on the balcony. Even from up here I can see the excitement shining in her eyes, hell I could feel it. It was contagious and it made me smile.

I shook my head and stepped away from the railing. I had stood there like a creep and watched her for 10 minutes. Tracked her as she joined a Big Six wheel table and laughed with the people around it. Followed her as she left them and eagerly watched a game of Craps. Like I said. Total creep.

I had to remind myself why we were here. Also had to remind myself there was a chance she would kill me when she heard the question Kenji had given me. He had pulled me aside when she was packing and given me my own assignment. It was up there on the list of reasons I was going to kill him when this whole thing was done.

Besides there was no chance of anything happening between us. Especially considering the fact her mate was alive. Shit. Her mate was alive. And he was looking for her. A selfish part of me considered the fact that maybe because he was working for the enemy I still had some sort of a chance. I brushed that off as soon as I thought it.

Mel is off limits.

'Are we supposed to just guess what this guy looks like?' She asked through the temporal bond making me snap out of my head.

'Kenji didn't give us a picture. Or a clue.' 

'Unless you count that whole you'll know him when you see him bullshit.'

'Your familiar is very dramatic.' 

'I think he thrives on it.' She chuckled.

'Well I don't think he'll be easy to spot. Especially considering the type of dragon he is.'

Leviathan. Or at least Leviathan's son. Until Kenji told us, I wasn't aware a crown prince of hell could have children. But apparently they did. 

'According to what I know, Leviathan is the great dragon or the serpent of the abyss. He represents secrecy'

'That would explain why Draco trades in secrets. That's what his treasure is, information.' 

'And you don't know peoples secrets by being flamboyant. My grandma always used to tell me if you want to know the affairs of the house, ask the help.'

'He's one of the casino employees.' I said the realization sinking in.

It would make sense. It would also narrow our search by a lot. Not enough to make it easier considering how many people I was seeing walking around in uniform. But easy enough that we wouldn't spend two nights searching the place.

'Holy shit.' Mel gasped through the link.

'What is it?' 

'I don't think he's Russian.'

'What are you talking about?' 

'Meet me where you left me.' She said before the link went silent.


"Damn it." 

I make my way to the stairs and go down them, all while trying not to draw attention to myself. If I just started running, like I wanted to, people would question why. A few might start to panic thinking something is wrong. Attention in Alistair's casino was a bad thing. I got to the entrance just as Mel popped out of the crowd. But my eyes were on the person behind her. Dressed in the Casino's employee black suit was Kenji. No. A younger version of Kenji. Kenji if he got rid of his tattoos and dyed his hair gray. 

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