Chapter Two

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A black cat crossing your path is said to be a bad omen, a sign of bad luck. Esmeralda's house is home to one annoying cat. Nyx is an evil little thing and enjoys trying to trip me whenever I walk around the house. Her continuous need to inconvenience me should have been my first sign.

The first time I felt immeasurable anger coming off of Xerxes in waves was when I had turned down Elijah's offer to teach me how to shift again. I told him I didn't ever want to shift and he and my wolf had expressed shock. I suppose me saying I didn't care after Eli had told me not shifting could kill Xerxes wasn't the nicest thing. But I honestly didn't care. I didn't want to embrace that I was a part of this world.

The second time I felt that anger was also the last time I spoke to him for what would be years.

I dragged myself out of bed as I've been doing every morning with too many questions running through my head. I had read through half the pile of books Elijah left on my desk already and it was a lot to take in. Xerxes wasn't helping. He's been sulking all week saying he wants us to go to the girl in the picture. He calls her Melaine. When I googled the name out of curiosity it told me it meant darkness. It was ironic how someone that looked angelic had a name that suggested the opposite.

I plopped down onto the table and served myself some breakfast. Breakfast and dinner were compulsory meals in this household. Everyone was expected to be on time and at the table. No gadgets were allowed during meals either.

"So first things first. Alexander I got you some new ID. I figured you would want to stick with the name Xerxes." Esmeralda said placing a wallet in front of me. I found an ID card and driver's licence with the name Xerxes Laveau on it.

"Thank you." I told her smiling softly. It was another step forward in me starting a new life.

"You'll be using my last name since as of last week I unofficially adopted you." She smirks. "Also we should all get used to calling you Xerxes now."

"Ten bucks says Xerxes is gonna replace Yau as the favourite." Ximena says to Eli who shakes her hand with a smile of his own.

"You're on."

"Anyway. I have an unexpected trip I need to leave for tonight. The witching community has just gotten our two most powerful member's identities revealed. Now that they aren't in hiding we're forming a grand coven which will be made up of all coven leaders and them at the head. The first meeting will be in their home city Alexandria...."

My body was suddenly jerked out of my seat and I was standing. Before my wolf could say anything I regained control and shut him in.

"Are you okay?" Yau asked softly while everyone watched me.

"Yeah sorry just learning how to not let my wolf take over."

"Did something I say trigger what just happened?" Esmeralda questioned eying me.

"No. We were still arguing about yesterday in my head. Sorry." I say sitting down.

"Mhmm. Would you like to come with me Xerxes?" She asked tilting her head.

"I have no business in Alexandria and I'm fine with staying here."

"I was talking to the actual Xerxes. Can I speak to him?" The table went quiet and everyone watched as I dropped my fork.

"Xerxes and I are one. My decisions are his. I speak for both of us when I say we want to stay."

"Like you spoke for both of you when you decided never to shift and slowly kill him?" Eli scoffed looking back down on his plate.

"Excuse me. I have a job interview in an hour." I said after a minute of tensed silence.

I rushed outside and decided walking in the forest would be best. My hands were shaking and I could feel my control slowly slipping. I wanted to shift. He wanted me to shift.

"Stop that." I hissed.

"Stop what?"

"Trying to take control and turn us around."

"She was talking about Mel. She's going right to her. We can leave together and..."

"I'm not going anywhere. I am dead. We are dead and as far as those that know us are concerned we will stay dead."

"We need to go with her!" He yelled. The anger was slowly leaving his voice. He was starting to sound defeated.

"We don't need to do anything." I said continuing to walk through the trees.

"Alexander for crying out loud I'm begging you. You don't understand how much I've lost. How much we've lost." He begged. I could hear the desperation. I could feel it. But I ignored it.

"I'm not leaving this place. I've found a new home..."

"This is not home and it can never be home. How much do you hate me that you want me dead and won't even let us hold the love of our fucking life? What do I need to do to convince you to do this? We spent years away from her already and I can't do that again. Don't let me have to say goodbye to her."

The thing about sharing a body and conscience with someone or thing, however you would class Xerxes, is that you feel their emotions. I had felt the anger and managed to get a grip of it. The confusion and sadness and loneliness were also easy to ignore. But the pain I had felt coming off him in that forest had stopped me in my tracks and brought me to my knees.

The world seemed to spin around me and a sharp, throbbing pain took hold of me, so much so that all I wanted to do was vomit and hope the pain would come out with it. I was sure it'd all be over soon enough. Pain would never last that long, right? The realization that I may be wrong caused a moment of panic. I closed my eyes and relaxed my muscles. I took a deep breath, and then another. It was my best attempt to regain their composure.

"There was so much we were going to do together. We had just gotten her. This shouldn't be surprising anyway. You always make the worst choices when it comes to Mel. I had to be the one to tell her we were mates. You were always too scared. You're always scared. And this time I can't do anything about your fear. I'm too weak to drag you to her. And I know even if I was strong enough to do so you wouldn't love her. You'd continuously try to run from her and just hurt her. The moon goddess rarely makes mistakes. But she made one when she made me your wolf, and another when she mated you to Melaine."

I took a deep breath, then another and then another. A state of calm returned to their mind for a moment. And then I felt nothing. Not even Xerxes. I reached out into my mind and found him in the very back in a corner making himself small. Hiding away. Not wanting to be in the driver's seat anymore. It felt like in that moment he didn't want to be in the car at all. I sat down on the forest floor for a few more minutes in silence before finally getting up.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. I did feel guilty, but I wasn't changing my mind. That was the day when Alexander had now truly and completely died. The day his wolf gave up.


I couldn't wait until tonight sorry. This is short and very sad. As we continue on our journey together I must remind you that this Xander is not the one we know and love and from this chapter onwards he will be going by the name  Xerxes so don't be surprised or confused. This new Xander is gonna do a lot of shit to piss you off and make a lot of bad choices but you have to remember he lost his memory. Enjoy the rest of the book.

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