Chapter Twenty Nine

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Melaine's POV

I wake up with a start my body shooting up into a sitting position. My chest heaves as I try to get as much air into my lungs as I can. I wipe the cold sweat off my forehead and try to remember the nightmare I was having but nothing comes.

After what feels like forever I'm able to control my breathing and decide to drag myself out of bed. The concrete is cold as I walk barefooted out of the room. Stepping into a hallway of some sort I close my eyes and listen for signs of life. I hear a single heartbeat in the bunker with me. Coming from below me.

Kenji has said Titus was indisposed. Maybe he was going to pick up the others and lead them here. That meant it was only Kenji and I down here.

I walk down the hallway in the opposite direction of what I think is the exist and check each of the rooms near me. I open door after door until I reach the final door against the far wall. I reach the door knob and turn it to open it when a voice behind me startles me.

"Mel?" I jump slightly, turning to face Titus.

"Don't do that." I groan. He looks at my hand which is still on the handle and looks back at me frowning.

"What are you doing?" He ask slowly.

"Exploring. And also looking for Kenji or the kitchen." I say letting go of the door.

"Well that door leads to the basement and he's not there. Come on, I was actually coming to get you. I made pancakes."

"Pancakes?" I say starting to walk towards him. My curiosity replaced completely by my need for food.

He smiles softly and leads me out of the hallway and through two more sets of corridors until we reach a kitchen. Kenji is huddled up in a corner staring blankly at the wall looking worse than I feel. I sit next to him and wrap an arm around his shoulder snapping him out of whatever trance he was in.

"You okay? You look like a walking corpse." I say softly.

"Hi birdie," He says smiling softly and proceeding to sink into my arms despite our position.

"What's wrong Kenji?" I ask how getting worried.

"Lack of sleep is finally getting to me. I keep forgetting that just because I'm Supernatural doesn't mean I don't need rest." He mumbles.

I rub his back slowly and don't say anything. Of course Kenji hasn't been sleeping. He's on guard constantly. He's always watching me, taking care of me. And I've been too caught up in my head and my emotions to notice.

"Okay blueberry pancakes for Mel and for our resident dragon we have chocolate chip." Titus says placing two plates of steaming, stacked up pancakes in front of us.

"I'm not hungry." Kenji mumbles and his stomach immediately grumbles so loud the sound fills the whole kitchen.

"Sure you aren't." Titus laughs. I chuckle quietly and sit up straight digging into the food in front of me.

Kenji does the same and the three of us eat in a comfortable silence. I finish my plate and place it in the sink watching as Titus places another stack of pancakes in front of Mr I'm not hungry who immediately starts wolfing them down.

"When are the others gonna get here?" I ask breaking the silence.

"We got here early so they still have until the end of the week. It's all a waiting game right now." Titus said.

"I don't think I can wait." I sigh.

"Well you need to. Until the others get back you and Kenji are gonna rest. I don't care if I have to lock you two up. No thinking about Alistair or the mission or about being Supernatural. I'll handle everything."

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