Chapter Twenty One

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"Staring at the door won't make him magically appear." Lucian said before being whacked on the head for the fifth time today by Kenji.

"Shut up."

"Relax Mel he'll be here. The days not over yet. He still has five more hours until it's Friday and his four days are up. Then we'll start looking for him." Kenji says from his position on the couch.

"He's not coming because he went up in flames with that gas station. We all watched the news on Tuesday. They found the Jeep, found human remains in it." Lucian commented not at all helping.

"Luc please." I whispered my voice breaking at the last word. I took a shaky breathe and closed my eyes.

"All I'm saying is he's not worth having a breakdown over. He's not important enough for you to lose your shit. I understand you being sad not you being on the verge of causing a freaking hurricane." He said glancing out the window where a literal storm was brewing.

"I just don't want anyone else dying. Not because of us. Not because of this. We've buried enough bodies in the back yard." I said.

Kenji came up to me and pulled me into a hug. The weather had been shit since I watched the news on Tuesday.I had been ready to track him down myself. But Kenji had stopped me. His connection had been severed on Tuesday around the time the explosion was said to have happened and we had tracked his phones last known location to the gas station.

I wanted to believe he was alive but Luc was right. All signs pointed to him being dead.

"Look. I'm sorry," Luc sighs "I understand you're tired of all the fighting and watching people die. But I'm also worried about you. I don't want you getting hurt, falling for our enemy will do just that."

"Titus isn't our enemy and I'm not falling for him."

"Oh yeah? Well the last time you caused a storm this continuous was when Xander died. I won't let you become that sad and depressed girl again."

A knock at the door made us all shut up and stare at it. Getting to my feet I slowly made my way to it. I pulled it open and let out a breathe, silent tears falling down my face. Titus stood on the other side completely soaked. He smiled down at me shaking his head.

"Are you gonna let me in?"

I threw myself at him, arms and legs wrapped around him like a freaking koala. The steady beating of his heart easing away the anxiety of not knowing whether or not he was alive. Slowly, almost as if he was hesitating, his arms came around me, his face buried in my hair. He let out a soft sigh squeezing me just a little tighter. 

"Totally not falling. What was I thinking?" Luc mumbled behind us.

Titus' hold on me loosened completely and I let go of him taking several steps back. He cleared his throat and looked down. And just like that my relief was replaced with anger.

"You fucking ass."I say shoving him off the front porch and back into the rain. He lands on his back in the mud.

"That's better."Luc chuckles.

"What was that for?"I heard Titus ask as I walked into the house.

"You had her worried. You should probably get inside before she fries you with a lightning bolt."Kenji says.


A knock at my door had me turning to face it.

"Come in." I watch Titus slowly enter my room closing the door behind him. We stare at each other before he finally speaks.

"Is it safe to approach or are you going to hit me this time?" He asks.

"I thought you were dead. We couldn't reach you. I thought...."

"I didn't mean to worry you. I'm surprised you were even worried at all."

"Of course I was. Your a part of this team."


"You ready to tell me tell me what happened? What was that explosion?"

"I knew I was being followed. And there was no way I was going to lead them to you. So I lost them in the most dramatic way possible."

"I'm listening."


Sorry for the disappearing act. School has been kicking my ass. But now I'm kinda back.

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