Chapter Five

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My feet pound against the ground as I run through the streets of the tiny desert town. I can hear people cursing at me as I pass them by. It's a busy city so it makes running for my life a little difficult seeing as I have to dodge so many people. I take a quick glance behind me and see that he's still following me hot on my tail. Just a few kilometres more. I make it out of the market place and turn right heading towards the edge of town. If I can get away from everyone and into the desert it would help.

Looking back again I don't see him and furrow my brows in confusion. A second later I'm thrown into the side of a building by a jeep. I try to ignore the pain in my back and drag myself up. Great now I have to outrun a car. Not that I can't. I would take flight but there are still too many people. He drives forward as if to crush me between the car and wall and I jump out of the way in time. He turns and brakes missing it by an inch.

I take that as my chance to start running again. This is all Kenji's fault. I blame him for having to run this long. He knows well and good I hate running. But it had to be me getting chased. Because I was the one he needed alive. Although he's tried to kill me thrice in our little cat and mouse game. I spot the old abandoned church that's out of town and surrounded by sand.

I can hear the engine of the car catching up. Once he's out in the sand with me I create a sort of storm to block the villager's view of the church and us. I rise into the air and fly through one of the windows. I land on my feet on top of the breaking altar and face the door. Jumping off I hide behind one of the pews and wait.

He takes the bait. Which disappoints me in a way. I thought he'd be smarter. The car stops outside and I hear the opening and closing of a door. Then he walks in. The second the door shuts behind him I put my hands onto the ground and close my eyes. The ground shakes beneath us putting him off balance and making him drop his weapon. I hear a grunt and a thud as a body hits the floor.

"Well that was easy." Kenji says as I let go and open my eyes. I lean back and try to catch my breath.

"Speak for yourself." I glare.

"I was actually." He smiles before lifting Titus' body and putting him into the back of the jeep. He jumps in and I hop in next to him and we start our drive back to Alexandria.

You're probably wondering what's going on. Let me explain. For the past six months entire covens around the world have been getting destroyed. Witches have been dying, dropping like flies. We had managed to get a lead on who it was. Titus Sims.

According to his family history Titus' mother was descendant on the famous Witch finder General Matthew Hopkins. Matthew was responsible for the death of thousands of women back in the day. Some were actual witches and others were just ordinary brilliant women. For the innocents he used to torture confessions of witchcraft out of them.

They would be deprived of sleep for days, constantly walking in circles until they were so exhausted their only out was to confess. The worst kind was the swimming test. He'd bend double women, tie them up, and plunge them into rivers and lakes. If they floated, they were condemned, and if they sank, they were innocent.

Right now it looked like Titus had followed his super great grandfather's footsteps. The last Coven he attacked had seen one survivor. She had told us he had mentioned being a soldier of Alistair before the massacre began. Hopefully we'd be able to get Alistair's location off him.

We could have easily ambushed him and caught him but that method hadn't worked for Lucian and Adonis. So Kenji had used the fact that few people know what I look like to our favour and set a trap. In order for it to really work I needed to be helpless. To act cornered. And funny enough it did. Was I tired after all that running? Yes. But it was worth it.

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