Chapter Fifteen

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I hadn't expected tonight to be this cold. Maybe it wasn't even that chilly. Maybe it was all my imagination. The nerves at the thought of what I was about to do. Xerxes was silent, hiding in the back of my head. But the shadowy darkness that I now knew so well. The demon that was a part of me but also wasn't in the same way Xerxes was. He was buzzing with excitement. Anticipation.

I ran my fingers through my now black hair and let out a sigh. Alistair said we needed to keep Alexander dead. That if we were going to resurrect one brother Carlton was the better option. That my big reveal would come later.

"Aren't you tired of using names that aren't yours? How many false identities will you have?" Xerxes spoke up bored.

"As many as I need to."

"Don't do this Xander." He whispered. "There are other ways to hurt Logan."

"Killing Hailey is the most effective."

"She's your mother. You're making a mistake."

"According to Alistair she wasn't a good one. She tortured me and Carlton. I have the scar to prove it."

"Shit!" He was getting frantic now I could feel it. "This is all my fault. Xander listen to me. Alistair is..."

He suddenly stopped talking when the front door of the hidden cabin opened and a familiar laugh floated softly into the silent night. My breathe caught and so did his.

A flash of an image in my head brought me to my knees. I closed my eyes clutching my head as I saw flashes of her laughing in my head. Shaking my head I looked up just as she stepped out of the cabin.

I was seeing her again for the first time. Not in a photograph or dream. Not in a sudden vision. Or a flash of a memory like the one I just had. She was here. She was real. The same brown eyes, the same bright smile. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest. It was really her.

"Mel." Her name left my lips like a silent prayer.

Her head immediately snapped in my direction like she heard me. Her smile slowly wiping of her face as her eyes met mine.

And immediately she looked past me. Searching the darkness for what she felt she heard. She couldn't see me. I looked down at myself and immediately knew why. My demon had drenched us in shadows. Hiding us from sight and masking my sent and energy. I was practically invisible. Frozen in this position.

"Xander please."

"No." I used the trick Dardanos had taught me. I blocked him out completely. Locked him aware denying him the ability to speak or move. He couldn't even gain control of my limbs and mind this way.

"Come on Birdie. It's a long drive to your papa Wilson's cabin." A guy said stepping out behind her.

"Mel. Please tell Kenji he's not driving." Another guy, one I could tell had similar features with Mel said as he forced a beanie onto his head.

"Birdie please tell Lucian he can kiss my..."

"In the car both of you. I'm driving." She said grabbing the keys from 'Kenji' and walking to the car.

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