Chapter 39 - Dmitri

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September 16, 2018

Dmitri did not expect to be met with the thunder-cloud face of Thomas Prescott upon walking into his grandmother's sitting room but he cannot say that he is all that shocked. After all, Prescott's son is currently lying bedridden in Dmitri's decoy apartment after a mishap that nearly claimed his life while pretending that all is good and well. If he is mildly surprised by anything it is the notable absence of Victor Martinez, but considering the complete lack of care the man has shown toward his son unless it was to use him as a prop in his marketing strategy, he shouldn't be, really.

Alenyka is seated next to Prescott, sipping a steaming cup of tea without showing any sign of concern over the raging volcano on her left. Then again, it's her who is holding everyone's leashes, so why should she be concerned. She even reaches out a hand to pat the man's charcoal suit jacket covered forearm benignly, and it would be funny how Prescott actually simmers down until only a pinch between his eyebrows mar his striking face if the situation itself wasn't so dire.

"I really hope you chewed my dumbass child's ass out, Mr. Armand, because I feel like wringing his neck until he's begging for mercy," Prescott bites out, not bothering with social niceties, and as first impressions go, it's certainly one of the more memorable ones. "I have no idea where he gets these brain dead ideas from but I'm going to kill him with my own hands one of these days."

"Children will always be reckless," Alenyka comments idly, her glacial gaze flashing with her amusement as she glances at Dmitri. "So eager to prove themselves capable yet never bothering to take the heartache they cause to their parents."

Well, isn't his grandmother in top form?

"Nevertheless, you can rest assured that your children enjoy our protection, Thomas, even if they don't know it," she adds. "Your young Thomas is in good hands, our best doctor is treating his wounds and he is safe in my Dmitri's care."

"That's just it! He shouldn't need medical care. Shouldn't have wounds that need to be treated by any doctor! But, of course, he couldn't care less about the consequences of his actions and absolutely needs to follow his own harebrained ideas." Prescott rubs a hand over his face, clearly agitated, before he turns to look at Dmitri's grandmother with a nod. "I'm not trying to be ungrateful, Alenyka. Without the aid of your people, my son would be dead, I'm just at the end of my rope. He's out of control and I fear his next stint will have me standing at the head of his grave..."

"Mr. Prescott," Dmitri says, his eyes never wavering from the man, "Thommy is young and has misguided ideas about his own power, which is, unfortunately, natural for children of his status even more than for less fortunate children. From what I've seen, despite the, at times, harsh criticism he and his friends have received from their teachers, he had no taste of failure before. I believe, however, that what happened on Thursday, has taught him a valuable lesson about his invincibility."

"I know it's my fault, you don't need to wrap your accusations into flowery bullshit words," Prescott scoffs, a sneer curling his lips. "I let him and his brother get away with virtually everything, more so since the death of their mother. I might have the ability to wash even the dirtiest laundry clean in the courtroom but I have no delusions about my failings as a father. It doesn't matter how much I love my children if I'm absent from their lives more often than not, does it?" His laughter is deep and bitter, emphasizing how love alone will never be enough to hold together a relationship regardless of its nature.

"Your son adores you." It's a fact Dmitri knows first hand. "But you can't forget that he is only sixteen and in the middle of puberty. Combined with his general stubbornness, you don't really expect him to be an obedient little sheep, do you?"

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