Chapter 21 - Dmitri

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Monday morning brings a monster of a headache, painfully bruised ribs a weirdly thick package on his coffee table and a classroom full of raucous spoiled brats, which only worsen the pounding against Dmitri's temples. He didn't get the chance to talk to his grandmother about the press conference and the party afterwards the previous night thanks to Anastas and his insistence of celebrating the successful hunt with copious amounts of vodka. Except, as Dmitri watched his cousin drain glass after glass of the clear liquid, he had the feeling that Anastas was doing something much different than celebrating. Not that he got the chance to voice his thoughts. Not when a drunk Anastas always meant a competitive Anastas with a violent streak and they ended up down in the gym sparring without anyone the wiser. Except for the guys in the security office, but they had seen too much of Dmitri's shit over the past twenty years to do more than roll their eyes at the screen before going back to minding their own business, probably.

He hides a scowl behind a twisted smile, telling his class about the upcoming school assembly even though they must have already received all the information via email. Predictably, they don't give a single fuck about the assembly or anything else, too busy with their own conversations and games. As if the past week of slow progress didn't happen.

The only positive change that morning is Mark Goodman sitting at his desk, pale and sickly with heavy shadows ringing his eyes, but he is back. Dmitri catches the furtive glances Rhys sneaks in the boy's direction, being much more subtle than Thommy, who practically just glares holes into the side of Mark's head during the whole period. Mark even goes up to Dmitri after homeroom ends, his arrogance and self-entitlement firmly in place.

"My parents signed it off, so you can't bitch at me about my absence being unjustified," he drawls with a mocking smirk, as if daring Dmitri to argue with the power of his parents. And isn't it a nice kick in the teeth? Having guardianship over twenty almost adults but it having conditions and limitations? What is he in reality? A glorified baby sitter saddled with a bunch of brats too bothersome for their parents unless they decide otherwise? Then again, he shouldn't be surprised. He had read the contract Principal Pratt put in front of him before he signed it despite not having another choice. In theory he had known what he was getting into.

Unfortunately, it does not make being faced with the limits of his role feel any better. Dmitri chooses to ignore the urge to punch the smug little bastard in the teeth, and takes the slip with a wide smile. "I hope you feel better now," is all he says, his free hand pressing tightly against the side of his wool covered thigh. "I'm sure your friends will be more than happy to lend you their notes," he adds, his lips curling when Mark snorts. Good call, as if any of those morons actually took notes in any of their classes.

"Don't need to worry, Teach, I'm a big boy. I can take care of myself." If only that was true. Dmitri stays silent and nods, his focus not wavering. Goodman glares back, giving it a valiant effort but he is no match against Dmitri's stares. It shouldn't be as satisfying as it is when the kid looks away, his expression souring. "Whatever. I'm out of here."

Dmitri watches him go, catching a glimpse of dark curls and bronzed skin before Rhys Martinez disappears from the doorway, slipping away like a cat burglar under the veil of the night. The mental image causes Dmitri to huff out a chuckle just as his next class trickles in and his tablet chimes with a new email notification. From Principal Pratt's assistant, a quick check tells him. Just what he needed: a demand for a meeting with the principal. During his lunch break.

"Alright, settle down and let's see what your thoughts are on Nick Carraway's motives during the entirety of the novel," he speaks up just as the bell chimes, unobtrusive and disgustingly posh. Unlike his own class the rest of the juniors take their seats immediately and soon enough ideas are flying alongside with the usual snide comments that were part of the first week's debates as well.

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