Chapter 47 - Rhys

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WARNING!!! This chapter covers very sensitive topics. It's dark even censored, it contains non-consensual drug use, sexual assault, threat of rape, torture, sensory deprivation, starvation and other triggering content that is definitely not okay with everyone. A good chunk of this part was taken out because it's way too graphic for this site. You can find the original chapter on my FB Group. 


September 24, 2018


Complete, utter darkness is the first thing Rhys notices upon prying his heavy lids open. Then boiling heat crashes over his skin, making it crawl and his stomach cramp. It makes him gasp for air and he instinctively tears at his clothes in hope of some much-needed relief. He cannot see anything, surrounded by the cloying blackness with nothing but clawing heat and a burgeoning need in the pit of his stomach as his only companions.

With his fingers still clenched in his shirt, he tries to force himself to think, to remember what happened, but it's harder than it should have any right to be.

His thoughts are fleeting, chased away by the buzzing flames under his skin again and again. He has never felt like this before and he wants none of it. He doesn't know if a second or an hour passes before he can force himself to remember that he isn't supposed to be alone but the panic he should feel is only a weak shadow in the blazing fire that's rapidly eating away his consciousness.

Where is Thommy?

He opens his mouth to call out but the noise that leaves his throat is barely more than a raspy moan.

He is burning alive.

It's maddening.

Rhys moans again, desperation mounting in his rushing blood that pumps away in his heart at an insane speed. He has half the mind to wonder if he's having a heart attack before he realizes that somehow he managed to roll onto his stomach, his hips pumping against the cool concrete.

It's disgusting.


Where is Thommy?

The friction doesn't help.

It's exhilarating.

Rhys doesn't want it.

It takes him ridiculously long to come to the realization that he was drugged. And Thommy is still missing.

Wherever Rhys is, the only noise he can hear is his own desperation and humiliating movements. He wants to let go more than anything but cannot. The pleasure sparking in his muddled brain only makes the beast that has taken over his body want more, the hunger tearing Rhys apart from the inside out.

He growls, slamming his free hand against the floor, but all the flash of pain does is send his thoughts skittering again.

He wants his fantasies to turn into reality, for the first time ever not having the inhibitions to shy away from the carnal beast that hides in the back of his mind, shrouded in darkness and waiting for the moment to strike. He cannot stop the dark, lewd fantasies pouring to the forefront of his thoughts, cannot unsee the flashes of the mess he wants to make of his best friend and... whatever Armand is to him.

He feels dirty and ravenous at the same time.

He is drowning under the raging, overlapping waves of lust and tainted pleasure, seeing nothing but red heat behind his squeezed eyelids.

Then out of nowhere, there is a searing pain in his head, his arms covering his head to hide from the ray of sharp white light that floods the place he's kept in. He is panting and still painfully hard, his desire not waning from the sudden shock to his senses.

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