Chapter 28 - Rhys

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September 11, 2018

Making a deal with Armand is not a good idea, Rhys knows this. It's a trap and by saying yes he basically plays right into the bastard's hands because Armand has nothing to lose. Yet as he stares into Armand's steel gray eyes, Rhys can't say no or find in himself to regret the decision. Not even when upon Armand exiting the classroom he is met with the incredulous stares of his classmates. They don't dare to outright demand answers from him, at least not yet but within a few minutes one of them will find the courage to open his mouth and ask.

"Seriously, you all look like babies when some asshole steals their pacifiers," comments Thommy from the doorway, dark lips pulled into a mocking smirk. "You going to start wailing, too?"

"Oh, stuff it, Prescott," Huntington shoots back. "Why didn't you push your dick in your lover boy's mouth to shut him up before agreeing to that stupid bet?"

"You thinking about my dick a lot, Huntington?" Thommy's smirk widens, flashing white teeth. He reminds Rhys of a prowling wolf, ready to devour poor little Red whole as he struts over to Huntington's desk, his hulking height practically folding in half when he leans down to look Huntington in the eyes. "Or just wishing someone finally sucked yours?"

"I'm not a... gay," Huntington spits, careful to avoid anything openly discriminating. They all know that as useless as Edison is about regulations and discipline, there are two rules they uphold with the utmost strictness:

1. No physical violence is allowed on the academy's premises.

2. No openly discriminative discourse that could serve as a basis of a lawsuit.

No one goes against these rules, but it doesn't mean there are no arguments or barbs thrown at each other. They just need to be more creative and subtle with their barbs, and isn't that a lesson on its own? Forcing them to play mind games, put on masks and pretend to be something they aren't. It's no surprise that most teachers hate Rhys' class for going against almost everything Edison value. They have been called every politically correct derogatory name under the moon probably by their teachers at one point or another. Their schoolmates are the same just more cowardly, whispering behind their backs while staring at them with disgusted hunger.

Rhys watches on as Thommy straightens up with a chuckle and pats Huntington's cheek before saying, "Don't worry your stunted little brain there, Sammy, your wardrobe door is securely locked."

If Edison was a normal school or even if Thommy was just a little bit smaller, someone would have decked him ages ago for the condescending bullshit that spouts from his mouth on regular basis. Instead, Rhys has the dubious pleasure of watching Huntington sputter and some of their classmates cackle. It tells Rhys everything he needs to know.

"Are you actually afraid of losing to a teacher?" he finds himself cutting through the grating noise of useless jackals around him.

The outraged chorus of denial is predictable but plays right into his hands, and Rhys can feel the urge to allow his lips to curl up just the tiniest bit. Thommy's dark eyes gleam as he turns to stare at him along with the rest of the class, all of them ignoring the warning bell.

"Armand thinks he's smarter than us." Just like the rest of the staff, Rhys doesn't need to add. "He believes we won't be able to live up to his expectations, that this is an easy win for him."

"Well, fuck him!" Chong snaps. "He's the idiot if he thinks he can win against us."

"Do you realize," pipes up James in a clearly amused voice, "that to win against the sneaky Mr. Armand, you'll actually have to put in some work, too?"

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