Chapter 29 - Dmitri

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WARNING! This chapter contains sensitive topics that might trigger readers such as thoughtless, sexually derogative speech about minors of color (by an adult); underage drug use, the mention of teen pregnancy, teens sexualizing adults, and mentions of violence. If you find these issues difficult to read about, please, skip this chapter.

September 12, 2018

Anastas, the bastard, was nowhere to be seen when Dmitri arrived home the previous day, probably knowing that Dmitri wanted to strangle him for the stunt he pulled with Rhys Martinez. The cryptic post-it stuck onto the bathroom mirror saying

I'm under orders, you can't kill me, ptička. <3

didn't improve his temper either, and it seemed to only go downhill from there. First, he got a text from Carmen, banning him from attending the rescheduled dinner Farine as per Alenyka's order. The words made him want to throw a tantrum worthy of a spoiled two-year-old, but with effort, he reigned his temper in and sat down to mark the retake tests. Their only saving grace was that this time the brats at least tried. The answers seriously made him question not only the kids' intelligence but his own choice to get a degree in education. Then Martinez forwarded him the contract, and it only strengthened the urge to kick his cousin in the teeth, so he called Charmichael and told the head lawyer of his family in no uncertain terms that he wanted an airtight update on the contract in two days that would ensure the safety and anonymity of his charge.

"You're asking me to go against Elenya Iljova," Charmichael sounded aghast.

"I'm asking you to protect an underage client's interest in a business situation," Anastas shot back, voice clipped even to his own ears. "Auntie Elenya will understand and so will my grandmother."

"Mytenka, did you think this through?" The words caused Dmitri's eyes to narrow and Charmichael probably realized his mistake because he hastened to continue. "I'm not questioning your decision, just trying to caution you."

"Maybe I should turn to someone else," Dmitri replied, voice deceptively light. "It seems like you are not up to such a demanding task."

Charmichael was silent for a moment, his overinflated ego bruised. "You know I will do it. The kid will stay hidden and will keep most of the rights to his little book. Does that sound good to you?"

"Like a dream," Dmitri replied, before adding, "Don't forget, I need the contact by Thursday."

He ended the call with satisfaction curling deep in his stomach like a smug cat that just managed to scarf down an annoyingly twittering fat canary. He couldn't wait to see Anastas' face upon receiving the modified agreement. Because no matter what twisted game his cousin was playing, Dmitri wouldn't let him sink his claws into one his kids.

The rest of his night was spent reading over reports from the Hounds, looking for clues as to who could be pulling the strings behind the scenes. Amelloni was the obvious choice, but there was something cleverly cunning in the breadcrumbs left behind that felt too subtle to be cooked up by Farine's burly nephew. The targeted demographic wasn't surprising. Horny kids with their brains stored in their genitals as well as desperate professionals with more than enough money to pay for relieving stress any way they could.

Dmitri's lips curled in disgust even as his mind worked overtime trying to find the tether of the plainly abhorrent spiderweb in front of him. The dealers themselves seemed insignificant, just the regular bunch, most of them easily tied to Amelloni, but their clients...

"Sasha," he said after hitting the microphone icon on the screen of his phone, "I need a complete background check on the numbers I'm sending you. ASAP."

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