Chapter 18 - Dmitri

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His grandmother is seated next to Governor Martinez behind the long table with a microphone in front of her, but Dmitri knows that she won't utter a word. Alenyka Yurieva has a carefully crafted public persona shrouded in red carpet events, charity work and a passion for women's rights. She appears regal in her tailored suit, her eyes coolly watching the crowd bombard the governor with their questions. She acts like she is a mere prop, content to let the men do all the speaking for her, a silent statue of support and power. It's a delight to watch and almost enough for Dmitri to ignore the traitorous glances he keeps sneaking at Rhys Martinez who is sitting at the far edge of the table, just another pretty doll to make his father look better.

He isn't naive enough to think his grandmother won't dig her claws into the boy the moment she gets the chance. Alenyka is thorough and Martinez is a link to the source of the drug even if the kid knows nothing of it. Not to mention, if Dmitri had seen the potential in the boy, there is no chance his grandmother won't and she won't hesitate to snatch Rhys up and draw him into their folds. It isn't even a question where she will do it, not when there is a banquette after the press conference, because it's necessary to show all the big dogs that nothing is wrong and soothe the raised hackles.

He chances another glance at his student, covertly admiring the boy's attentive posture and impassive face as Rhys listens to his father talk about tragedy and the need to work together and believe in the justice system of the Great United States of America. Rhys claps obediently at the appropriate places and mimics his family's moves and gestures as if it had been ingrained into him, but it's clear that he is setting himself apart from them. Putting a distance between himself and the perfect facade of the American Dream most immigrants will not even dare to wish for. It's subtle enough not to gain attention, and Dmitri knows that come the next morning, the papers and every social media site will rave about Governor Martinez's touching speech and confident answers and perfect family. No one, not even the most conservative Republican sympathizers, will notice how Martinez's youngest child hated every second of being in the lime light.

"Did you know that the Viskanya considered him for Reconstruction?" Ana comments idly from where he's snuggled against Dmitri on his bed. It takes Dmitri a moment to figure out what Anastas means, then he feels his eyes widen at the admission.

Yes, Martinez is a smarmy bastard with an oily smile and a seemingly friendly, open look on his face that's hiding a shark. He is ruthless and manipulative with connections that make him useful enough to the Yurievs to keep supporting him. He has a sharp tongue, but one he uses with skill that has earned him a favorable reputation both with the press and the citizens of New York. Of course, it doesn't hurt that he is an attractive man with a perfect wife and beautiful children. And the fact that he is mixed race plays right into his hands too. Dmitri has never seen anyone play the victimized Latino as skillfully in front of the cameras as Martinez does when some of his proposals are met with criticism.

To think that the Viskanya had considered him for Reconstruction, that the man standing on the podium could be a mole trained by the Viskanya with no one, not even Martinez's family, the wiser sends a cold chill down Dmitri's spine. He doesn't quite know how to react, and Ana's smirk glaring up at him doesn't help either.

"Don't tell me you actually like the dick," Ana says, brows furrowed.

"Don't be ridiculous," Dmitri scoff, rolling his eyes. "I was just surprised. Martinez might be a dick, but he is well-liked and Grandmother finds him useful. I'm not sure she would have continued working with a Viskanya implant."

"Yes, losing the Yurievs' support would have started a domino effect for sure," Anastas agrees thoughtfully. "Auntie Alenyachka is nothing if not observant. The Elders had been livid when she outright refused to allow your initiation into the organization."

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