Chapter 11 - Dmitri

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Carmen is waiting for him in his living room when Dmitri walks out of the elevator. She is alone but dressed up to the nines, which either means that she just came back from a meeting with his grandma or is about to leave. Her expression is neutral, but her dark eyes are intent and ready to pick up their fight where they left off, should the need arise.

"Carmensita," Dmitri greets her, leaning down and kissing her on the cheek like it's their tradition. "Here to pick on me some more?"

"Chico," she says, her palm sliding onto his cheek. "I overstepped yesterday."

"Yes, you did." Dmitri pulls back to sit across from her, crossing his legs at the knee. "But I understand. Your loyalty is first and foremost to my grandmother and the family. And objectively speaking it could be seen like I endangered everything we stand for."

"Yet, our relationship is anything but objective," Carmen sighs, running a hand through the tight ponytail she pulled her hair into. "I should have trusted you."

"Thank you." He knows it's the closest he's going to get to an outright apology and doesn't press the issue further. It would be futile anyway.

"It doesn't mean you shouldn't have found a way around this idiotic rule." Obviously, Carmen feels differently. "Send Charmichael or one of the others to get your student's ass out of jail."

"And make the boy feel like he can't turn to me for help?" Dmitri counters, raising an eyebrow.

"It's not your job to—"

"You mean it's not my job to support the pupils in my care any way I need to?"

"Don't turn my own words against me, Pup," Carmen warns, but the faint crowfeet at the corner of her eyes deepen with the ghost of a smile that threatens to curl her lips.

"Why? Because they are true?"

"Stupid brat." Carmen shakes her head, but the gesture is fond and she is smiling now. "Did you achieve your goal then? Does your pupil trust you?"

"He's getting there, I think," Dmitri replies.

He's not lying. Maybe it's not what he envisioned before his first day. Maybe it's not ideal and his students are anything but cute, eager to learn children, but after today, he still has some hope left that they will come to accept him. And Thommy seems to be really getting there if his behavior after their class is anything to go by. His praise and the way he thanked him for helping him despite all the power games going on in their class means much more to Dmitri than the boy will ever realize probably. And that's fine. As long as Thommy and hopefully his friends will eventually realize that he's not their enemy, he will be happy.

Carmen's gentle look is a rare sight, but it never fails to make Dmitri's chest fill with warmth. He doesn't remember his mother, he was too young when she died, yet he likes to imagine that she had the same gentleness to her that Carmen hides behind her cold stares and larger than life presence. Even if his mother was a coward who had run away from the family and her responsibilities.

When Carmen finally stands up after a few minutes of companionable silence, which both of them spent studying the other and reassuring themselves that they will be fine, Dmitri automatically reaches out, knowing that she will take his hand and pull him up.

"Cheeky pup," she chuckles, linking their arms together once again.

"Grandmother is expecting me, I take it?" Dmitri asks, not hiding her amusement.

"Yes, she has a few things to discuss with you."

"So things didn't go smoothly last night." It's not a question.

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