Chapter 25 - Dmitri

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September 10, 2018

"Call in our best surgeon and her team," are Dmitri's first words when he sees a carefully blank faced Carmen and Anastas waiting outside the cell. He checks his watch, noting how it

"You must be joking," Carmen sighs even as she pulls out her phone, shooting off messages with a few light speed taps of her fingers. "What is the guarantee that he won't betray us?"

"Hand his training over to Viktor once he recovers."

"This cretin tried to destroy us—"

"Technically, he just sold a bomb to someone," Anastas cuts in cheerfully. "Don't look at me like that. Yes, it's tragic that those people died. I'm sure they were all employees of the year. But you have to admit the kid has potential. He managed to make a bomb that caused lethal damage from fifty yards, hidden in a car even though he lives on the streets."

"And Viktor has never failed us before," Dmitri adds, carefully suppressing the urge to grin. It's not the time, not with Carmen being on edge from the way Anastas keeps needling her and questioning her authority.

"This is not a game," she snaps even as her fingers already tap away on her phone. She might be angry and frustrated but she is still efficient as always, and deep down knows that their little rat could very well be molded into a valuable asset.

"Isn't it?" Dmitri retorts instead of telling her to pull the mile feet long pole out of her ass she has had shoved up there ever since Anastas arrived. He understands, really. Ana is an aggravating and uncompromising bastard, who could care less about Dmitri's emotional connection to his grandmother's second in command. He is Elenya Gediminas' only son and heir, and as such has more power than Carmen and Dmitri combined. He doesn't care about who he has to destroy to achieve his operative. Dmitri can count on one hand who his cousin cares about in general. Carmen is not one of them.

Knowing all this, it's easier to choke down Carmen's maddening behavior and need to question every decision Dmitri makes. Easier, but in no way easy. Still, he shuts up and, instead of answering, heads for the exit. He has a report to give, knives to clean and no time for infantile power games that will make absolutely no difference in the long run. He doesn't need to look back to see whether Carmen and Anastas are following him, their presence looms over him like twin whorls of menacing shadows, waiting to strike anyone even thinking about crossing their path.

Really, they are adorable. And stubborn to a fault.

Carmen gets off at the twenty-second floor, headed straight for Viktor's apartment, leaving Dmitri and Anastas alone in the elevator for another couple of minutes until it reaches the penthouse. Ana's lips unwrap from their smug, lopsided twist the moment the elevator dings, and Dmitri has to marvel at the effortless way his cousin puts on a charming smile and genuine happiness when Alenyka greets them from her favorite chair. She is sipping a glass of red wine, her own smile a freshly sharpened razor, and accepts their gentle cheek kisses with the graciousness of a queen. For the billionth time since he moved in with her, Dmitri cannot help but be awed by the quiet power rolling off her in heavy waves.

"Good job, boys, sit down." Her tone is almost warm, turning her Russian words into a sweet caress to Dmitri's ears. She gestures at the settee across from her. She raises an eyebrow at Dmitri, causing him to stand back up and pour both Anastas and himself a tumbler of vodka. Ana toasts Alenyka with his sweetest smile and knocks the drink back like it's water. Dmitri doesn't touch his own glass, choosing to watch his grandmother instead.

She looks calm as usual, her lips tilted slightly up in a ghost of a smile. Her attention is on Dmitri, her gaze fond and proud, which can only mean she was watching him through the cameras planted in the interrogation cell and, unlike Carmen, appreciated his decision to keep their squirrelly bomb maker. It makes satisfaction and pride unfurl in Dmitri's chest, his fingers itching to unwrap his knives bundled in his gloves and present them. Just like he did after his first successful job.

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