Plus Sized

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Let The Party Begin

"Would you stop doing that,"

My best friend Macy said, slapping my hand away from the top of my strapless dress that I was currently trying to pull up to my neck. She grabbed onto both of my hands and held it in her own.

"I know you're nervous but you look gorgeous sweetie, so let me hear you say, I am sexy and fierce."

"I am sexy and fierce," I mumbled.

"I know you could do better than that, shout it for me baby, I am sexy and fierce."

"I am damn sexy and damn fierce!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. This caused
some of the people milling into the house we were standing in front of to stop and look at me like I was some loon.

Maybe I was, I thought, Anastasia Milne shouldn't be at parties in mini dresses.

Macy laughed, "That's more like it, now let's get high classly drunk." She flung her hand over my shoulder and started leading me up to the stairs of the house that was currently blasting Rihanna's Diamonds at a loud volume.

Even though Macy had said I look gorgeous, I couldn't stop thinking about my sausage legs that were currently rubbing against each other. If I could feel it other people sure as hell could see it and I was feeling a whole lot of self conscious. See I used to be a size eighteen but I joined a gym and started running every morning before school and I was a satisfying size twelve but sometimes it wasn't satisfying enough.

In my mind I would always be the fat girl who lost most of her breath after running up two flights of stairs. Hence why I was going to this party, Macy said I needed to interact with people of my own age group and stop dreaming that I was Elizabeth waiting for my Mr. Darcy.

"Ana, where did you go? I'm going to get drinks for both of us." Macy said to me, waving her hand in front of my face to get my attention.

I gave her a nod and watched as she walked off in the direction of the drinks table filled with different assortments of liquor. I looked around at all by fellow peers, most from my school Henley Private School, dancing to the pounding music while others made out ferociously in any dark corner they could possibly find.

I spotted a couch a few steps away from where I was standing, where Macy could clearly see me and walked towards it and took a seat. I pulled down on my black mini dress while wishing I had a band to tie my thick brown hair up because it was making me feel extremely warm.

I sat bobbing my head to the music trying to look as cool and collect as I possibly could.

"Hey fatty do you mind going around so my girls and I could have a seat." A voice near to me said, I didn't think it was meant for me so I continued bobbing my head and staring wholes into the ground.

"Hey fatty, are you deaf too? Stop taking up so much space and go around." Now I knew the person was talking to me and I looked up into one of the most gorgeous human beings that I have I ever had the pleasure of laying my eyes upon.

Piercing grey green eyes stared back at me. I took in his messy blond hair, a slightly crook nose that just added to his sex appeal and full pink lips made for kissing.

"Ehmm." I looked back into his eyes to see him staring at me like I was some kind of pest that he wished would disappear. I looked from him to the two sluttyly dressed girls that were draped over either of his arms. They both looked like they weighed together half my size and then it hit me that this gorgeous, Greek incarnate had called me fat not once but twice.

I felt the tears begin to well up in my eyes and started blinking continuous to stop them from falling.

"Sorry, I'll just move." I mumbled. I got up from the couch and pulled on my dress. Never had I ever been so aware of my fat thighs. I looked around and saw a door leading outside near to the kitchen and started forward. I don't know where Macy had disappeared to but I couldn't stay another minute in here. The door led to an outside patio and I took a seat on a chair that was in a dark corner.

Oh, I felt so embarrassed and humiliated.

Hey fatty.

Hey fatty.

I couldn't get whoever that sexy stranger was voice out my head.

I put my head in my hand and started to cry. No neat, I'm a lady so I mustn't mess up my make up cry, no I was full out bawling my eyes out. I don't know why that hurt so much but after being the kid who always got photographed with a piece of chocolate cake stuffed in her mouth for years, I thought slimming down by six sizes would make a difference but I guess not. Boys that looked like that guy in there would never look at girls like me. No, they would go for Bambi and Bimbo that he had draped over his arms.

After what felt like hours but in reality was only a couple of minute, I heard the door from the kitchen open and someone stepped out.

"Fuck, I need a smoke." I heard the person mutter and I tensed up as the recognized the voice as the guy who had just minutes ago referred to me as fatty.

He pulled out a cigarette and seconds later the smell of smoke filled the air. Even though I wasn't crying as loud as I was before, a sound I made must have drawn his attention because his piercing grey green eyes swung in my direction. He took in my dishevelled appearance from crying and took a step closer to me;

"Are you alright?" I stared up at him not saying a word. Is this the same guy who called me fatty inside? Couldn't be, he actually looked like if he cared about my response to his question.

He stared down at me for a few seconds, he cocked his head to the side and I knew the moment that he recognized be as the girl from inside.

It could have been the way his eyes widen or when he muttered out;


~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~

Author's Note

Hey There, I'm Naomi and I am new to wattpad.

Had this idea in my head for a while and decided to give it a go and see what kind of feedback I get. Sorry if it's boring and shortish. It's now starting so give it a try; I promise you will like it. Anyhoo, I just posted it without proof reading so if you see any mistakes don't be afraid to point them out.

Peace Out xoxo

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