We're not just Friends, We're Sisters

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We're not just Friends, We're sisters               

I had never been so thoroughly kissed before. Evan was kissing me like he had been in a drought and I was his first taste of water in years. Evan placed one last kiss softly on my lips before he pulled away. With eyes that looked slightly glazed he said,

            "Wow, I would say I'm sorry for that but I really, really enjoyed that."

            He once again placed his hands on either sides of me on the kitchen counter. I blushed not only because of his statement but also because of his close proximity to me. I thought about the kiss and I knew in my heart that I also enjoyed it as well so I decided to voice it,

            "I liked it too, I really liked it," I said.

            He looked back at me and I noticed that he looked like he was struggling to stop from laughing. He seemed to have lost the battle within him because he placed his hand on his stomach and doubled over in laughter.

            I started to feel extremely confused, like a child who had lost her mother in room full of strangers and didn't know the way back to her. This was supposed to be a special moment between Evan and I. This was usually the part where the guy confessed his undying love not when he looked like he had been watching comedy show reruns all weekend.

            Evan looked up and in between bouts of laughter he said, "Do you really think I would like someone like you or that I would actually kiss someone like you and enjoy it? This was all a game fat girl and you fell right into my traps."

            His face turned up into a malicious sneer and I felt my heart constrict. How could he have so cruel? I felt to curl up into a ball and cry for the next eternity. I felt my legs give way from underneath me and I crumpled to the floor.

            Evan resumed his laughter this time pointing at me as he did so. Out of nowhere Ben appeared and when he saw me on the ground, he smirked.

            "Did you really think he could actually like a girl like you or that I would let my friend be with someone like you?" he asked and then he joined Evan with the laughter and pointing at me. Tears started to stream down my face and I was feeling intense emotional pain. Just when I thought this was the worst of it Macy appeared and said,

            "Get up of the floor and stop looking like the pig you are, you should have known that he would never go for a girl like you when he could have a girl like me."

            Then they all surrounded me on the ground while Evan chanted,

"I could never like a girl you."

            Macy and Ben were chanting, "He could never like a girl like you."

            "Ana wake up," I heard someone saying from far away. I felt my body shaking and I thought the earth was opening up to end my deep felt embarrassment and pain.


I shot up from off my bed and looked all around me, my heart still beating rapidly in my heart from the dream. Though the pain from a moment ago had turned out to be just a dream, I could still feel some lingering.

            I looked at Macy who had her hand on my shoulder, the voice I had heard and the earth shaking had been her trying to wake me. I pulled away from her still a little wary from my dream. Her brows frowned from my actions and she asked,

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