Who Wants To Party?

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Who Wants To Party?


On Tuesday at lunch, Evan once again invited me to eat at the little bistro outside of school. On Wednesday he invited to eat at the bistro outside school and by Thursday he didn't even have to come and find me, I met him outside by his car. It was official, ever lunch time I ate with Evan and I had been doing this for the past two weeks.

Sorry Mrs. Rhine, you've been replaced.

            Macy had become extremely suspicious toward Evan and me and it was all Evans fault. Since we had started to talk so often and could now be considered friends, when he entered history class he would smile broadly at me and sometimes even wink. I don't know why but I didn't want our friendship to become too public. Evan was extremely popular and if people knew we were spending so much time with me I would be put in the spotlight and I shied away from it like oil ran away from water.

            It was Friday and three weeks after I had first started speaking to Evan. I was sitting in my history class with Macy who was currently texting under the table.  We didn't have any work to do as Miss Grey wasn't here today but I was reading chapter fifteen so I would have a head start in our next class.

            "I know for past two weeks you've been denying knowing Evan but I just thought you would like to know that he's walking towards you right now," Macy said interrupting me from the interesting paragraph I was reading about Voltaire and the Devine Rights. I looked at her and she was smirking at me, then looked up to see Evan walking towards me.

            He pulled out the chair in front of me and sat down.

            "Hey," Evan said to Macy before turning back to me and leaning in closely to me, "I want to ask you something."

            "I'm not going to call you Master of My Universe. Just because my name Anastasia doesn't mean I want to be featured in your own kinky version of Fifty Shades of Grey," I said with a smile.

            This was a joke between us ever since Evan learnt that the girl in the book's name was Anastasia as well. He laughed out loud and Macy looked at me like I just grew two heads while juggling some balls.

            "Nah, maybe you could call me that later when I come by tonight with a radio under your window," he said and though I knew we usual engaged in this kind of friendly batter I knew this comment was for Macy's benefit. This was confirmed when Macy's eyes widen in surprise.

            "I came to invite you out tonight. You know how you told me you had trouble socialising, I decided that I am making it my mission to cure you from your anti-social ways. We're going to party tonight, you and me Club Coca tonight," he continued, "I would have told you today at lunch but I have detention today so I can't make our usual lunch date."

            I wasn't really surprised as recently he had been hinting that we should go somewhere together other than the corner bistro but a party at some place called Club Coca. I don't think so.

            "Look Evan, thanks for the offer but I don't think that's a good idea," I said.

            "Come on, it will be fun. You know you want to," he said to me with a disarming smile.

            I started to shake my head my head no, I knew for a fact that I wouldn't be comfortable in a party environment and I remembered what happened at the last party I had been to.

            "No really Ev..."I began to say but Macy who had sat silently next to through the whole exchange interrupted me and said,

            "She'd love to go with. Tell her what time you'll pick her up."

            Evan looked at me to gage how I was feeling then answered, "I'll pick you up at eight, don't be late and wear your dancing shoes because we're going to bust some moves. Oh and give me your phone,"

            He stretched out his hand and I gave it to him. He punched in what I assumed was his phone number then he handed the phone back to me.

            He got up to go to his seat in the back but not before he turned to Macy and said, "Thanks."

            Macy waited until she was sure he was out of hearing distance before she whispered screamed at me, "What was that about, I thought every time he came in smiling at you you said it was just my eyes playing tricks on me!"

            "I...I..." I stammered.

            "I'm not done with you Missy. Lunch, you have lunch with him every day. I feel like I don't know you any more, next I'll learn you're a student by day and a stripper by night," Macy said continuing with her rant.

            "Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the lunch thing. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Friends," I said leaning in for a hug. Macy leaned in as well and locked me in a tight embrace.

            "Friends and you better know that I'm coming home with you today and you're going to sit and take every pitch and poke that I do to you for the party tonight and you better not complain," Macy said close to my ears.


            "Sit still, you eyebrows look like a crazy person. I have to pluck it," Macy said.

I was currently sitting at the edge of my bed in my room while Macy stood in front of me doing something to my eyebrows that was causing me great pain.

"Aww," I yelped at her.

"Sorry about that, if you would just sit still," Macy said.

After an hour of situations similar to that I was finally ready. My eyebrows were properly plucked and shaped and under my arms and legs were shaved. I wore light make up as Macy knew that I preferred the natural look.

I stood in front of the large mirror in my room. I wore a silver top that tied behind the neck, was tight around my boob area and flowed out loosely from right blow my boob to around my waist. It was then coupled with black leggings and high silver heels. My brown hair way styled in a bun on top of my head and Macy had pulled strands of my hair out so it dropped in front my face.

Though I was still quite conscious that I wasn't a size two I had to admit that I didn't look to bad. I actually looked kind nice and I was feeling good about myself. The weight loss may not be a huge one  but it was still worth how I looked now compared to how I would have look two years ago.

"You look gorgeous," Macy said coming up behind be as I looked at myself in the mirror.

"Yeah, I do," I said and this time I actually kind of believed it.

~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~

So Hello again, I have uploaded once again. I know it's a little short but I hope you enjoy it. I'll try my hardest to make my next chapter a little longer. OH and I have over 700 reads, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING,

Peace Out :) :) :)




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