Sorry but This Friendship's Over

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Sorry but This Friendship's Over

"Anastasia, what brings you back to our humble presence here in the library," Mrs. Rhine said as soon as she saw me enter the library. She was sitting behind the counter and all I could see was her well pressed white shirt and her red hair pulled back in a neat bun.

            I smiled broadly and walked over to her. I leaned my body over the counter and gave her a long tight hug. It had been over a month since I had been here, right about the time I started to talk to Evan.

Evan, I didn't even want to think about him. He had called my phone about ten times between yesterday morning and today and I haven't answered one.

            "Hey Rachel, you know your presence means a lot to me," I said smiling.

            "It's Mrs. Rhine to you and you know you're not suppose to lean over the counter, it's against the library's polices," she said trying to keep a straight face but failed miserably because she returned my smile. I swear for someone fourteen years my senior she was a pretty cool lady.

            I walked around to the door that led to the back and entered the enclosed space behind the counter where Mrs. Rhine sat and I took the seat next to her.

            "Where have you been young lady? Every day I looked for you and everyday you never showed," Mrs. Rhine said.

            "Gosh, I'm so sorry. I've been busy but I am busy no more," I replied.

            "You've been busy for a whole month and whatever. Don't ever do that again, I missed you."

            I laughed again and within minutes we were talking like we usually did for the past three plus years that I have been in high school.

            Mrs. Rhine was re-enacting a situation that had occurred with her husband who I must say was sexy for an older guy when the door to the library opened. I looked up as I knew next to little students came here at all much less at lunch time. My eyes widen when I saw it was Evan and he walking towards me.

            "Hey Anastasia, I went outside to wait but when you didn't show after ten minutes I thought you would be in here. What's going on?" he asked and though his voice sound normal I could tell by the tick at the side of his left jaw that he was pissed.

            I looked at Mrs. Rhine who was looking between Evan and me with avid interest. I got off of my chair and said, "I'll be right back Rachel, I have to handle this."

            I walked out from behind the counter and walked toward Evan. I leashed on to his shirt sleeve and pulled him until we were standing just in front of the library entrance.

            "Look I'm sorry but I can't go out of school for lunch with you anymore. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before now so you wouldn't have had to come looking for me," I said.

            I saw his brow scrunch up in confusion before he said to me, "Why can't you. Did I do something that upset you? Whatever it is I'm sorry and I won't do it again."

            I didn't think this would so hard.  

            "You didn't do anything wrong. It's just that I've been doing a lot of thinking and I have come to the conclusion that we end this thing we have going on," I said.

            "Is this why you haven't answered any of my calls? I still don't understand what brought this on, up to Friday everything was great," he replied.

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