All You Need Is A Little Slap

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I just sat there and stared up at him after his little outburst. He turned away abruptly and I thought he was just going to leave but he walked to the other chair that was in the other corner of the patio and dragged it closer to me.

I watched him as he sat down onto the chair and pulled it even closer to me until our knees were almost touching. The action made me self conscious once again of what I was wearing so I tugged down on my dress.

            The feel of the sexy stranger's hand touching my leg gently sent a jolt through me and I looked up into concerned grey green eyes.

            "Look, about inside there with the fatty comment, I didn't really mean it." He looked at me waiting for some sort of reaction to his somewhat apology but all I could do was play with my hands that were in my lap. I was so confused, how could this guy that had just minutes ago insulted me be the same one trying to comfort me?

I guess my lack of response didn't sit well with him so he continued, "Look," he said, rubbing the back of his neck, "I'm a total asshole and I say complete assholish things without thinking."

            The comment drew a surprised laugh from me and I dried the remaining tears from my eyes. My laugh seem to have lighten the mood and he look down at me and said,

"I'm really sorry, do you feel better now that I've done some grovelling."

"Kinda," I mumbled.

"Here what, let's forget about my moment of assholeness and start over. Hey, the name's Evan and it really nice to meet you, what's your name?"

He asked sticking out his hand for me to shake. I was still a little confused and somewhat dazed but me, Fat Aberta, had a really hot gut trying to make amends for his earlier ways and I wasn't going to mess it up.

I extended my hands and grasped his own in my own and said, "Hey, I'm Anastasia and though it isn't so nice to meet you, it's still somewhat a pleasure."

"Ohh, I think I deserved that one." He said laughing. His laughter died down and a silence that wasn't awkward but wasn't comfortable either settled between us. I was more aware of our knees that was touching and it wasn't unpleasant at all. Actually it was quite nice.

"You know, you don't have stay outside with me anymore. You could return to the party, I wouldn't mind," I said.

"Nah, I not missing out on anything. Inside this black heart, there is a speck of a prince that can't leave damsels in distress especially when I the one that distressed you," he said pointing to his chest. The action drew me to look at his the t-shirt that was currently hugging his clearly toned abdominal section. I looked back up quickly into his eyes hoping he didn't see me checking him out.

"What about Bambi and Bimbo?"

Oh my gosh, I can't believe I just said that. He didn't seem offended though, judging from the burst of laughter that escaped his mouth.

"You mean Hailey and Ashley, they were starting to grate on my nerve with the constant giggling in my ear. Nice names by the way, I'm totally going to use again sometime in the future."

"Thanks, I have my moments of geniusness sometimes. Not to make you uncomfortable but is it weird that I feel a little awkward having a conversation with you after what you said to me earlier," I said.

"Not at all, do you know what we have to do to make you feel better? Let's have a little re-enactment. I'll call you 'fatty" again but this time instead of walking away, give me a good little slap to face," he said getting up and tugging on my arm to make me stand up too. I didn't really know if this would really do anything but it was worth a try.

"Now before we do this," he said, "I really mean no offense when I say 'fatty' this time, ok?"

I shook my head in understanding, then gave him a little nod as to say, you can begin now. He sent me a little smile before looking me straight in the eyes and saying,

"Hey fatty, what are you looking at?"

Even though I knew this was role playing and he had just clearly said that he meant no offense, I still felt this sense hurt by the word. This lead to me feeling just a little bit angry and adding a little too much force when I drew my hand back and hit him square across the face.

The stunned look that crossed his face gave me a great sense of satisfaction. A red hand print had begun to shape on the cheek that I had slapped him and he started rubbing on it.

"Damn you hit really hard for a girl," he said, chuckling a little.

I smiled the first genuine smile since the night had begun, "Wow, thanks for that Evan, I feel much better," I said giggling.

~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~

Well hello dear,

So I have uploaded the second chapter. Just want to say thank you so much for all of you who read the first one and gave me so much positive feedback, it was really, really good motivation to write this second one. Anyhoo,

Peace Out xoxo         


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