Love in The Air

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Love in The Air

Evan's POV

Three Months Later

I walked through the crowd of all the students that were at our school's annual book sale. Even though I knew books were knowledgeable and my girlfriend loved to read, I would never get the appeal.

What did appeal to me was the girl standing a few steps in front of me. I could see her hand moving and her ponytail swinging as she talked to her best friend who was

behind a stall set up for selling second hand books.

As I drew nearer I heard her say, "This is outrageous. You can't sell a used copy of Wuthering Heights for fifteen bucks. Why are you even at the book sale, you don't even like to read?"

"Miss please calm down, I am only doing my job. No need to get angry with the sales clerk," I heard Macy said and from my view I could see her fighting to hold back a smile.

Even though I couldn't see Anastasia's face, I could see the back of her neck turning red from anger. Not wanting thinks to get out of hand I walked the remaining steps to her and wrapped both of my arms around her waist.

"Hey baby, happy birthday," I said kissing her on her neck.

She turned to face me then got up on her toes and caught my lips with hers. I grabbed on instantly to the back of her neck and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her off the ground and more levelled with my face. For the last three months we've been doing a lot, a lot of this and I swear it never got old with her.

I pushed my tongue into her mouth and she moaned pushing her hands into my hair, pulling our already close bodies closer.

"Ehmm, I sorry to interrupt this little love nest but I must sadly inform you that there are no bedrooms available and the other students and I would greatly appreciate if you stop this great display of public affection," Macy said from behind us.

We pulled apart and I released Anastasia gently onto the floor. Her breathing was slightly irregular and her cheeks were a lovely shade of pink. I smiled down at her with male satisfaction.

I turned to Macy and said, "Hey Macy didn't know you were a book person?"

"I'm not. Miss Grey asked me to lend a hand so I thought why not," she replied.

"Don't talk to her Evan. She has yet to give me a birthday present and just a minute ago she was trying to rob me of my money," Anastasia interjected.

Macy laughed and then chucked a book at her, "You're so emotional you know I was just playing, have the book for free," she said, "By the way, I did give you a present; I hugged you this morning and told you happy birthday."

"Sorry to break up this little spat but I have somewhere I have to take my girlfriend," I said.

"Gosh, I could sense the mushy stuff coming on," Macy said.

"Oh shut up," Anastasia said laughing, "She's just fearful that she might be the one living alone in a house full of cats instead of me."

I pulled on Anastasia's arm because I could sense another little argument starting up.

"Let's go," I said, "Bye Macy."

Anastasia also said her goodbyes then I was leading her back to my car. I opened the passenger side for her to enter the car then I walked around to the driver side and entered. I turned to the back seat and pulled out the bouquet of yellow daffodils that I had bought for her.

"Here," I said handing them to her.

She looked at it and smiled broadly saying, "Oh your remembered my favourite flowers."

"Yeah," I said rubbing the back of my neck in nervousness, "You look very beautiful by the way."

I looked down at the floral skirt that stopped half way down her thigh, a white fitted tank top and white wedge heels that she was wearing.

"Thanks babe," she said, "Where are we going by the way?"

"You'll see."

~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~

"Step up one more time," I said stepping up on to the gazebo, "No peeking."

When we were both levelled onto the gazebo, I removed my hands from her eyes.

"Do you like it?" I said.

I saw her take in the dinner table that was set with the two chairs on both sides and the two candles that were placed on the table. There were also little light hanging all around the gazebo to add to the romantic appeal.

When she didn't say anything I said, "You're thinking I'm a total wimp."

"No, I thinking that having a boyfriend like you has surpassed my expectations and that I absolutely love this," she replied.

She walked closer and inspected an empty vase with water that was in the centre of the table.

"Is this to place my flowers?" she asked looking back at me.

I shook my head and watched as she placed the flowers she was holding a minute ago into the vase.

I walked forward and pulled out one of the chair she was standing near to and said, "Have a seat."

She sat down and after pushing her chair in I walked over and took a seat myself. I looked down at the table that I had already set with food and the chilled wine. I had paid Ben a hefty amount to do this while I drove Anastasia over here.

"Before we eat let me give you your present," I said.

I took a Tiffany's box out of my front pocket and laid it on the table.

"Open it," I said prompting her.

She gently opened the box and gasped.

"Oh my gosh this is so beautiful Evan. I love it," she said pulling a gold chain with one side of a broken heart at the end from the box.

"Turn it over," I said.

She turned it over and I saw her read the inscription I had placed there: Evan's Girl.

I pulled out a chain that was the other half to hers out of my shirt. I turned it over and moved closer for her to see the inscription on mine: Anastasia's Guy.

"See I have the other half," I said.

"This is so romantic, I think I might cry. I love you so much" she said.

"No, I love you more," I said and leaned in to kiss her.

~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~

Hello there my reader,

Plus Sized is officially over. I know I'm going to miss it too. I would just like to thank all of you who read, commented, voted and even fanned. You made writing this story even sweeter. 

Also I will start to edit this story as well as I would like to know if anyone is very good at making book covers and would like to make a book cover for this story(message me if you're willing).

Thanks Again,

Peace Out xoxo

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