Fight For You

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Fight For You

I stepped out of my house and saw Evan leaning up against his car. Macy stood behind me and before I could walk any further she laid a hand on my shoulder and turned me around,

"I know you have your insecurities about yourself but you are beautiful both inside and out and I want you to have fun. Let go of everything and just have fun okay," she said.

I shook my head and turned to walk towards Evan. As I drew closer I heard him let out a little whistle,

"Someone took a dip in the honey pot because you sure look sweet," he said jokingly giving me a once over or maybe two.

"You don't look so bad yourself," I replied eying his dark grey t-shirt, black jeans and black boots on his feet. His looked like he'd actually tried to comb it as his usually unruly hair looked somewhat tamed.

He opened the passenger door for me and after I was seated he closed the door and walked over to the driver's side. I looked back to see Macy still standing at the door and I gave a little wave before Evan and I were on our way to Club Coca.

Twenty minute later we were pulling up to a chic looking building with blue and purple neon lights flashing Club Coca. It seemed to be quite the hot spot because the line in front of the club seemed to go on for forever. We had a long wait.

Evan and I exited the car and started towards the people standing in front the club,

"Maybe we should have come earlier, look at all these people," I said.

"Nah no worries, my friend's dad owns it so I could just walk through. Come on, we're meeting up with some of my friends," he replied.

I didn't say anything but I started to feel self conscious once again. I didn't know how his friends were, what if they made fun of me?

Evan walked up the line past all the waiting people and walked straight up to the bouncer.

"Hey Kev, busy night," Evan said to a burly looking man standing in front the entrance to the club. He had tattoos covering both of his arms and he had an eyebrow piercing and a lip ring as far as I could see.

"Yeah, see you've found another one. Different from the others though," the bouncer said looking me over. I looked up expecting to see a look of disgust on his face but all I saw was mild curiousity. Evan didn't disclaim the bouncer indicating us being together together even though we weren't but just gave a head nod and walk through the rope that Kevin raised.

Evan took my hand in his and though I knew it was only to guide me through the crowded club it still felt nice. We reached the VIP section and passed through another bouncer before Evan stopped a few steps away from a circle shaped table occupied by three laughing teenagers.

"Look, I want you to just have fun okay. I know you told me you feel uncomfortable in these kind of situations but those people over there," he said pointing to the table, "They don't know you, so you could be whoever you want to be tonight and I hope you choose to be the girl I've gotten to know and she's a whole lot of  fun. Now come on."

Macy and now Evan, everyone had to talk me into having fun, well tonight I would show them. We reached the table and Evan let go of my hand but not before everyone else at the table saw and turned to stare at me.

A blonde guy who looked slightly familiar got up and slapped Evan on the back.

 "Evan my man, you've been avoiding me. You won't answer my call, is she the reason," blonde guy said sticking out his hand for me to shake.

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