Old Time Memories

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Old Time Memories

            I was caught totally surprised by Evan's invitation to join him for lunch but after a little while, curiousity got the best of me and I accepted. We got into Evan's shiny dark blue mustang and drove to a little bistro located two blocks away from school. I was aware of its closeness to school because just in case things didn't go well, I could foot it back.

            "We're here," Evan said opening his side of the car and stepping out. I stepped out as well and waited for him to lock up his car. We walked into the bistro together and I saw heads turned to look at us and I'm sure they were wondering what a frumpy looking girl like me was doing with someone so blessed with looks like Evan.

            We found a corner table and sat opposite to each other. Neither of us spoke and soon we found ourselves locked in a staring competition. It lasted for about two minutes until I looked away.

            "So is this another ploy to get me forgive you for Friday. You already tried and though I'm not totally over it, I'm getting there," I said.

            "Why so suspicious, I'm not trying to do anything. I want to have lunch with a fellow classmate, come lets order," he said, raising his hand to signal a waitress to our table.

            A brunette waitress who looked about our age came up to the table.

            "Hello, my name's Tammy and I will be your waitress for the day. What can I get for you all," she said and though the question was meant for Evan and I, her back was to me and she was completely focused on Evan.

            "I'll have a cheese stake burger and a coke please," Evan said without even looking at the menu. I looked it over even though I knew I was going to order a salad.

            "Could I have a chicken salad please without the dressing and a glass of water? Thank you," I said and handed her my menu.

            "So, I didn't know you were in my history class," Evan said conversational as the waitress walked away from the table."

            "Neither did I,"

            An awkward silence came over the table and I looked around the restaurant to avoid looking at him.

            "Not to be rude, but is there a point to this little gathering," I asked.

            Evan let out a little sigh then got up and took out a card from his back pocket, "There is a point to this, I just hoped we could eat first but let's get to it. Now what about to show is between both of us, okay?"

            I shook my head dying inside with curiousity.

            "Sorry about the bent up card, look," he said handing over a plain white card. The front was bare and when I turned it over there wasn't anything either.

            "Open it," Evan said expectantly.

            I opened the card and inside were some photos. I picked up the first one and there was an extremely fat little boy who looked like he was about nine and he was standing next to extremely skinny boy. In another picture, the same fat boy was leaning over a really pretty lady to get to what looked like a plate of potato chips. I looked up at Evan questioningly.

            "See that fat boy in the pictures, it's me. I was about eight," he said.

            I looked down at the pictures with new eyes and now that I thought about the little boy did look a little like Evan.

            "Puberty surely worked wonders on you," I said.

            "After Friday, I went home and I thought about how I used to be and I started to feel really guilty about calling you you know what. Nobody from here knows I used to like this except my family and the boy in the first picture and I thought if I shared this part of me with you it would truly make you feel better."

            I looked down at the pictures and smiled secretly to myself. The fact that Evan was showing me this made me feel slightly special and I felt like I could truly let go of his fatty comment. To lighten up the mood I said, "What's the deal with this picture."

            I slid the picture of him reaching for the potato chips at him. He groaned and hid his head in his hands before lifting it up again.

            "I don't know why I chose such an embarrassing picture to show you. That woman is my mom and she called me to come take a picture and all could see was the potato chips. I was a really greedy fat kid but around when I was twelve I slim down a little naturally, by thirteen I started doing sports and now I'm like this."

            I looked down at the picture one more time and giggled.

            "You have a really pretty laugh," he said reaching his hand out to put a lock of my hair that had fallen into my eyes behind my ears. My heart sped up a little and I felt myself leaning into him.

"Ehmm, here is your order," the waitress from early said, placing Evan's burger and coke in front of him and putting my salad and water in front of me, "Is that all ?"

            We both nodded, the moment from earlier ruined. I started picking at my salad, the taste not even registering in my mouth.

            "So have I completely redeemed myself," Evan said.

            "You're not so bad," I said smiling at him.

            "Thanks, you're not so bad yourself," he replied, returning my smile.

            We started to eat and this time the silence was comfortable. I look up to see him looking at me and I know if he looked at me carefully he would see that cheeks were blazing red.

            "You know now that I think about it, you more that alright I think I like you," Evan said with a wink.

Now I think my cheeks were in flames.

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Sorry if this chapter was kind of boring. Anyway thank you, thank you for all the reads I've been getting.

Happy New Year :) :) :)

Peace Out xoxo


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