48 - Hark back to past

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Diya pov

"Arju water"

"Arju milk"

"Bring me napkins"

"Call mom"

"Bring me medicines"

"Can you ask mom to make me some porridge?"

All my work from the morning was done by Arjun as I lied to him saying I am not feeling well, so he is taking care of our son with help of mom who often ran to her room so that I could make Arjun talk to her.

He, being a good father pushed his ego and anger aside and talked with mom for taking care of him. But the conversation is too simple.

Cleaning him, feeding him milk, making him sleep, cooing him when he cries, not even once I saw Arju's face change to anger. He likes taking care of his son, he likes killing his precious time to take care of us. 

During this time he received many important calls but pushing then aside he stayed by my side and I have to maintain this lie at least for another day, I stayed quiet rather than sending him to do his work.

"Drink it completely Diya" he ordered me mixing milk for our baby.

"Yuck," I placed the milk on the table not taking it completely.

"Ok, then be ready to have the next juice" I mentally scolded myself for saying stomach pain as a reason. From the morning I am drinking only juices but my tongue is craving some hot spicy food.

"Arju please have a concern for me, these liquid foods will kill my tongue if another drop falls on my tongue. Then you have to face consequences" he laughed hearing me and filled the bottle with milk keeping it aside.

Taking a seat close to me he put his arms around my shoulder, "then I have a better way" I questioned him confused, his smirk grow wider as he leaned to me making me lean backwards until my back hit the bed.

"Arju" my voice came with a mere whisper with his closeness and seductive perfume completely lost my sense without any contact with each other.

I felt his hand on my hips still maintaining his eyes on mine with mischief and love. Beyond that look, I saw a per cent of lust when his eyes moved down to my neck for a snap of the second, "snow" he whispered slowly as calmed himself down closing his eyes for a second and his whisper automatically made me close my eyes. 

The eyes which always hides emotions are now letting me see it. When women's are speaking thousands, men's eyes are speaking millions to their loved ones which they hide easily from others. The emotions, pain, the excitement they hide unlike women have more power. 

"Hmmm," my voice barely reached my ears, poor him. It would never reach him.

I felt his hot breath near my ears increasing my heartbeat, "look into my eyes snow" his lips were an inch away from my ear. When I shook my head it touched my ear sending shivers down my spine.

"Do I have rights on you snow?" my eyes snapped open, "do you doubt it?" I asked.

He smiled, "the changes we took, the changes we gave, the mistakes we made to the reasons which we never made, many such important errors occurred in our lives, almost thrilling, almost raising terrors made our love look incomplete. I am wondering how our life changed for a few months, the terror I am still feeling if something wrong happened scares me.

Promising to me I came here last week to leave everything behind and run to some unknown place but a single hug and tear compelled me to take my decisions back" I gripped his collar grabbing his attention.

Dead Heart (Completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ