24 - Trust Gaining

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Diya pov

"Hello paa" I chirped after my father attends the call. His thoughts have been nagging me from morning ever since I woke up from a bad dream of my father's yells asking for help.

"Sorry Diya, sir is in meeting" his PA answered my father's phone which seems really strange, "It's okay, how is he?"

"he is fine Diya, just busy" he is lying for sure, my father never had a habit of letting his calls attend others not even in a busy schedule, "but I need to talk with my father," I said stubbornly not accepting his lies, "sir, Diya is in call"

'Tell her I will talk tomorrow' my father's distant voice reached my ears, his voice is gloomy not the same chirpiness was there so I hung the call and decided to visit him later.

"have you seen Yaashvi?" I asked my colleague to fail to find her for the past one hour, she usually starts her work after visiting me but she didn't even say hi to me.

"She's working" I nodded at him and went to her cabin to see her working very sincerely in her mobile.

Snatching her mobile, "really you are more involved in your work" she sighed and started to work on her computer.

"Thanks for remaining me" I didn't fail to notice that sarcasm in her voice, "look I'm sorry" even my apology won't cure the word I said to her I want her to understand me and my situation.

"Sorry, I think you are mistaking me with someone else," she said innocently without showing the anger on me rather on the keyboard killing it with her hard press averting not her gaze from the monitor screen.

I sat next to her, "yesterday..." she stopped me, "don't tell it to me maybe I will spoil something you have in your mind so do find some other friend to share your problems"

Why is she talking much instead of listening to me? "I want you to understand me that's what I need, is it much to ask from your friend?" I asked her.

Turning to me she gave me a smile, "exactly what I am asking for, I want you to be out of his life and live a happy, healthy life without any run-run situation from your mystery hunting issue about your father and husband"

I took her hands in mine, "I understand you Vi, but I will be gone away from his life after knowing their problem. The reason I have been holding these days to be with him was long gone now" I took a deep breath, "cause he was always been in love with another girl these days"

"He what?" She stood up the chair and nearly got the attention of the whole office with her yelling, "you heard right" I said keeping a hand on her mouth form going on with another attention-seeking way.

"This is ridiculous" her anger was clearly visible through her doe red eyes flaring like a fireball, "how dare he" controlling her excitement and anger will definitely a big task to handle.

I shed her, "not only that, yesterday I went to give that blood sample with Arjun's hair to a laboratory and while returning to the office, some group of black hoodie-wearing men were keeping eye on me and then I meet Arjun he took me to his meeting" she again interrupted me, "why did you agree to go with him?"

"Let me finish it first" she nodded and I continued, "he has been spying me the whole time with me going to my father's place to yesterday lab, etc etc., that's when I figured that he definitely knows what I am searching the reason for their problems"

"Why can't he tell you directly all these?"

"That's why I am also in a confused state, later he asked me to accompany him to his meeting know more about my problems and I did, that's when he told me about his love for the man of the meeting Mr. Gurjar's daughter, Meera. The strange thing is I saw the same diary I found in my father's study"

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