28 - Touches and Beers

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Calm down Diya.

She will not eat you alive. Be strong.

Giving soothing words to myself I decided to go inside.

Before I place my legs into the house I felt someone push me back and dragged me to a dark place and with the hold, I can say it's Arjun.

Once he found satisfied with the scheduled place he shoots me a glare, "where have you been the whole day?" The fire in his visions is something that can scare anyone without speaking a word.

I pushed him away freeing my hands from his grip with a deadly glare, "why the hell do you care" I spat on his face.

"It's not about to care its obligation I have on you"

"No one asked you to protect me," I said.

He looked at me with a blank cold expression that was clearly shining under the moonlight and the dim lights that radiating on the side of the house.

Wait, is he searching for me?

No, it can't be, he will never be caring or whatever the protection he spells out.

Even if he cared I would have witnessed it long ago.

"I asked you a question," he asked again still with the glare.

"Are you scared you might not get the thing or business you want to attain by me if I go away from you by vanishing in the air? Then I would happily do die even it gives you failure and anguish"

His eyes studied me completely like a couple of seconds and casually put his hands inside his pocket.

Anger, fear, fury nothing I saw in him, just a calm composed look without acrimony.

"Let me clear one thing to you, I am a businessman I have multiple ways to get what I desire" his voice came as a warning to not mess with him.

His business mind.

He looked scary with a stoney expression plastered over his face.

I know he can get whatever he needs with the power and influence of his business world.

"And you being the first and easy priority, I have to keep you safe from your stupid Sherlock Holmes, now back to my question, where have you been the whole night?" I tried my best to not let even a single tear fall off my eyes.

My heart sank deep with his words and the emptiness in his eyes, I looked away to blink away my tears but he came close to me with his hot breathe touching on my cheeks.

Somehow it tells me I am testing his patience to a larger extent.

"Answer. Me. Were you at your home?" he said sternly grabbing my hand not hard but enough to grab my attention to him, "streets" a painful lonely tear dropped my eye while saying it. I looked at him to say something.

I have lost my destination. I lost the place which I called home. 

The love and affection I had for the place where I was born, raised is now nothing but a building with just bricks and sand.

"I don't have a place to call as home" I smiled, "it's all gone now"

"Are you trying to gain sympathy from me by proving you started to hate your father?" how come a man is filled with the only venom?

Taking his hand away from me, I spoke, "this is what you think of me? always coming to your own ethics, believe whatever you feel, huh?" the line he draws in my heart is much painful, "you married me just because my father said he would think about your decision of taking your assets after you get married, you wanted to try out whether my father will do the same thing if he will mol---" my words died in my throat.

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