i. would this hell ever end?

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i. would this hell ever end?

two boys with heads of blond hair and big smiles ran across the grassy field, chasing each other. they taunted each other, their little legs carrying them as they ran after the other. laughs filled the air as they trekked around the field, having a good time.

"you can't catch me jase!" one of the boys said. he was the younger twin, the laces of his shoes untied as pants escaped his lips.

"oh yeah? you better run gale!" the older twin said. they were basically identical, other than a scar on jason's lips and gale being an inch or two shorter than jason. the boys continued to run around the field until gale tripped on his shoelace, falling to the ground and getting dirt on his knees, blond hair covering his eyes.

jason soon joined him, making sure his bruised knee was okay. "gale, are you okay? i told you to tie your shoelaces!"

gale winced, holding his knee as jason helped him tie his shoelaces. "sorry jase. i'll make sure to do it next time. hopefully."

"you better," jason said, dusting off shirt and smiling. "now come on! there's something i wanna show you." jason held out a hand. gale took it and the duo rushed around the grassy field, toward a spot with an amazing view as the sun set in the distance. the two sat down on the grass, jason pulled out one of those toast chee peanut butter snacks, opening it and taking out one for gale and himself. the two ate in silence, watching the sun set.

"jason, do you think we ever had a family out there? gale asked, swallowing a bite of the peanut butter and crackers. his face soured, "well other than mom... maybe a sister? or another brother?"

"i don't know gale," jason answered, finishing off his as he crossed his legs. "but even if we don't, at least we have each other. that's all we need." gale smiled, finishing off his as they split the last one.

"yeah, at least we have each other."

the sun set in the horizon and the sky darkened, stars twinkling in the dark night sky. jason looked at his brother. "you know, we should probably get back before we get in trouble."

gale smiled mischievously. "race you!" they both said, sprinting through the fields laughing and smiling.

"hey gale," jason whispered from his bed as he jumped into gale's and snuggled up into his covers. the younger boy (according to a rock paper scissors game) groaned, ignoring his brother in favor of getting more sleep. jason tapped his head, hissing, "wake up stupid."

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