xx. percy's saving grace

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xx. percy's saving grace

everything soon became nothing more than a blur in such little time. so many things happened at once, it was far too hard to keep up with everything that had happened so far. all gale knew was that one of those creatures had grabbed percy and took off. they had jumped out of the train with way more swearing than expected, somewhat trailing the monster who had grabbed and took off with percy. he was kicking and squirming, trying to escape from the monster's grasp, but it was futile. the monster held on tight, it's front talons wrapped around his arms like steel bands.

"c'mon, c'mon," frank said frantically, pulling off his bow and notching an arrow, releasing the string as the arrow flew through the air. as good as an archer frank was, his hands must've been shaky as the arrow narrowly missed the monster, whistling right past it.

"damn it!" frank cursed, notching another arrow. arcana started mumbling swears in latin, trying to think of a spell that could save percy.

"someone do something!" hazel cried, her eyes darting around nervously.

do something! gale thought, his head pounding as blood rushed to his ears. do something! do something, you dolt, do something!

adrenaline pulsed through his body as his legs seemed to heed to his call. he pushed past the others, his legs moving faster than they've ever moved before, wind racing by his body as his legs carried him closer and closer to percy. he soon somewhat caught up with the monster, trailing behind it on the ground, and as percy caught sight of him, he cried out, "GALE!"

"GALE!" arcana cried out as well from behind him. "what are you doing?!"

"TRUST ME!" he answered, focusing back on the gryphon holding his friend. he stretched his fingers, feeling a cracking feeling with each movement. he grit his teeth, mustering up any last bit of speed he could.

gale caught up as much as he could, his breaths becoming heavier with each repetition. he held out his pointer and middle finger to his side, focusing his power towards those two fingers. he felt a rush of power flow through his body and heard a faint crackle, and knew that the opal sparks had listen to his silent call once again.

with the white electricity crackling on his fingers, he thrusted them towards, the electricity arcing off his fingertips and towards the monster. the electricity racing towards it must've scared it, because it gave percy the chance to loosen from its grip, tumbling through the air, crashing through tree branches until he slammed into a snowbank. the gryphon wasn't safe though, as the electricity caught up to it and turned it into golden dust.

gale dashed towards percy, who was laying in the snow, groaning and complaining about the pain from falling out of the sky. "percy!" he exclaimed as he rushed towards his side, kneeling down next to him. he brought percy's head into the palm of his hand, analyzing his condition to see if anything looked abnormal. "are you okay? is anything broken?"

OPAL SPARKS, percy jackson Where stories live. Discover now