ix. camp jupiter, camp half blood, and camp __________

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ix. camp jupiter, camp half
blood, and camp __________

gale was starting to realize that percy and jason were a little bit too good at the whole making massive storms business. the argo ii raced across the waves away from fort sumter, the roar of the winds making it hard to hear each other. he could hear annabeth and leo yelling to each other about something.

he sat next to arcana, sharing a sleeve of saltines the best they could against the roaring winds flowing past them. arcana seemed shaken up, and gale made a note to ask her about that later, if they had the time.

it seemed like forever, but finally the sea calmed and the winds died.

percy and jason sat with their backs against the mast, their heads slumped in exhaustion. gale and piper were trying to get them to drink some water, though percy pouted and reluctantly drank it. gale didn't pay it much mind; he was too busy on worrying about arcana. something was wrong, he could tell.

hazel and frank stood just out of earshot, having an argument that involved lots of arm waving and head shaking. that sightly brought gale's spirit down.

everybody gathered at the mast.

frank scowled like he was trying hard to turn into a bulldog. "no sign of pursuit," he said.

"or land," hazel added. she looked a little green, though gale wasn't sure if it was from the rocking of the boat or from arguing.

gale scanned the horizon. nothing but ocean in every direction. that shouldn't have surprised him. he knew they'd be overseas for most of the quest, well, ever since he'd found out the argo would be picking them up from camp. if it were under different circumstances, he'd be excited. he hadn't been outside of camp many times, and the times he had it were for quests and demigod related stuff, and those were all in the U.S. but being in the middle of the open, completely on their own, sailing to the mare nostrum, where all the scary monsters and nasty giants had come from wasn't something gale enjoyed. the romans might not follow them, but they couldn't expect any help from the greek camp either.

leo turned to annabeth. "did you find the map you wanted?"

she nodded, though she looked pale. "i'll have to study it," she said, as if that was the end of the subject. "how far are we from those coordinates?"

"at top rowing speed, about an hour," leo said. "any idea what we're looking for?"

"no," she admitted. "percy?"

percy raised his head from gale's shoulder. his green eyes were bloodshot and droopy. "the nereid said chiron's brothers were there, and they'd want to hear about that aquarium in atlanta. i don't know what she meant, but.." he paused, like he'd used up all his energy saying that much. "she also warned me to be careful. keto, the goddess at the aquarium: she's the mother of sea monsters. she might be stuck in atlanta, but she can still send her children after us. the nereid said we should expect an attack."

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